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Browse budgets in FMP by either 90-4 or worksheet via the buttons at top-right. PIs add budget worksheets to their proposals, and data from these worksheets are dynamically compiled in FMP to create 90-4s. New budget worksheets may be added in FMP, but may only be edited via the proposal submission interfaces.

  • To edit budget justification for a 90-4, click the 'Edit' button below the 90-4 form.
  • To edit a budget worksheet, browse to the worksheet directly or via its associated FY, and click the 'Edit' button.
  • To add a budget worksheet, go to any worksheet for the same proposal and click the 'Add Worksheet' button, and assign the worksheet to a fiscal year. Then, click the 'Edit' button for that worksheet to open the web-based worksheet form.  Complete the web form, click 'Update Worksheet', and close the web form.  Return to this worksheet in FMP, and select Records > Refresh Window.
  • To delete a 90-4 or worksheet, click the corresponding 'Delete' button in either view.  Deleting a 90-4 will also delete ALL budget worksheets associated with that FY, while deleting a worksheet will also delete the associated 90-4 if that worksheet was the only one for a particular FY.



The Sub-Award setting for a budget is initially set by the PI, when they answer the budget worksheet question "Is this award to a non - <your institution> investigator?". To create a sub-award coverpage for a 90-4, click the 'Sub-Award CP' button. This creates a new 90-4 pre-configured as a coverpage for the selected 90-4, with the host institution's Director as the PI (see FMP Interface Configuration - RFP; $$subcontract_PI_id variable).

Sub-award coverpage 90-4s are automatically excluded in summary calculations (e.g. Overall 90-4 for FY, Overall 90-4 for proposal), etc.). To selectively exclude other 90-4 records, set the 'Exclude in summary calculations?' radio button for a 90-4 to 'Yes'.

'Omnibus Only?' is useful for filtering only 90-4s included in the current Omnibus.

Where does the active sub-award toggle manifest itself?