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Wiki Markup

*Pre-proposalProposal reviewReview* includes the following steps:

# Submitted pre-proposals are compiled by eSG Admins and uploaded to eSG, via FMP.
# If pre-proposal is _Accepted for Review_, it appears in the FMP drop-down list used to assign pre-proposals to reviewers.
# Reviewers are added/edited, assigned to pre-proposals and emailed login and pre-proposal review instructions, via FMP.
# Reviewers {link-window:|width=1000px|height=850px}submit pre-proposal reviews{link-window}.

h4. Compiling and Uploading Pre-Proposals

Refer to the {link-window:\?call\_id\\=7|width=1000px\|height=850px}pre-proposal submission instructions{link-window} used by PIs during a 2012 MITSG RFP.  While instructions sets  vary among calls and eSG programs, the core features of the pre-proposal submission system are essentially the same, and are described fully in these instructions.  The instructions linked-to here will update as the pre-proposal submission interface changes.
