SSH setup
SSH on Ubuntu
type sudo apt-get install subversionopenssh-client
SSH on Windows
- Download PuTTY (e.g from here)
- Make a note of the path (
- usually C:/Program Files/PuTTY or C:/Program Files (x86)/PuTTY).
At this stage you must be able to type C:/Program Files (x86)/PuTTY/plink svn.mit.edu and get a connection. The connection will look something like the following, until you hit CTRL-CPanel borderStyle dashed No Format Last login: Wed Nov 30 12:22:56 2011 from west-ninetytwo-fourty.mit.edu RHN kickstart on 2009-01-14 ( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries commit-revprops depth log-revprops partial-replay ) ) )
Moves does a WHOLE LOT of subversion activity. Unless you set yourself up for password-less authentication, you're gonna spend most of your life typing in your kerb username and password over and over again. Since you probably won't get an ssh private key installed on svn.mit.edu, you're gonna have to set yourself up with Kerberos. When we have Kerberos hooked up with svn, you'll only have to type in your username once per session. (A session lasts for about 10 hours). Sharing a production ssh key is not advisable (though it's been done).
Kerberos on Ubuntu (should work for Debian)
- type
- sudo apt-get install ssh-krb5 krb5-user krb4-config
- type
- kinit and enter in your kerberos username and password. If that works, you're done.
If it doesnyou weren't , authenticated then type # sudo mv
- backup existing /etc/krb5.conf file if it exists (type sudo mv /etc/krb5.
- conf /etc/krb5.
- backup)
- copy the attached file to /etc/krb5.conf
Kerberos on Windows
If you have 64 bit windows, install the 64 bit kerberos client first, from http://www.secure-endpoints.com/#kfw
For 32 bit AND 64 bit windows, install the 32 bit client from http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/kerberos/dist/index.html#kfw-3.2
Restart windows if it asks you to
Subversion on Ubuntu
- type sudo apt-get install subversion
Subversion on Windows
- Download Subversion from Collabnet. (You'll probably need to register).
- The 32 bit client is recommended, even if you have 64 bit windows... 'cos we'll be talking to Putty and Kerberos, and Putty is 32 bit only.
- Put Subversion in your path.
If all is well we should now be able to list subversion repositories without a password (or at least the second time we try listing a repository we should not get asked for a password. Try the following command twice. You should be asked for a password 0 or 1 times only. (0 if you're already authenticated with kerberos, 1 if you're not).
svn ls svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/sais-sis-common/maven/releases/trunk
Get the latest 2.x version of maven from http://maven.apache.org/download.html (unless MIT IS&T is already on 3.x when you're reading this document).
Install it to C:\Program Files\
Maven on Ubuntu
- Extract the maven download to /usr/local/apache-maven-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the version you downloaded).
- Set system property MAVEN_HOME=
- /usr/local/apache-maven-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the version you downloaded)
- Add $MAVEN_HOME/bin to your path
- Set system property MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=
- /home/${your-user-name}
- /keystores/serverTruststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
Maven on Windows
- Extract the maven download to C:/Program Files/apache-maven-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the version you downloaded).
- Set system property MAVEN_HOME=C:/Program Files/apache-maven-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the version you downloaded)
- Add %MAVEN_HOME%/bin to your path
- Set system property MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=c:/Users/${your-user-name}/keystores/serverTruststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
Maven common steps
*\.m2\maven-serverTruststore.jks just yet, we'll get to that).Now we will export settings.xml and maven-serverTruststore.jks into your maven m2 home directory from the bamboo build configuration repository (which should always has have the latest/greatest version).
On windows 7, the maven m2 home directory will be c:\Users*If you've never used maven before, you will have to create the folder ${user.home}/.m2 (ie C:/Users/${your-user-name}\/.m2 . On Linux, it will likely be or /home/${your-user-name}*/.m2). If the folder does not exist, create it. Then in a command shell change to that directory.
If the folder already contains settings.xml and/or maven-serverTrustStore.jks, rename them to settings.xml.backup and/or maven-serverTrustStore.jks.backup.
Now type
svn export svn+ssh://svnthis folder already exists, that's cool... but if it contains a file called settings.xml, rename it to settings.xml.backup
In a DOS box (or unix command shell), cd to ${user.home}/.m2
type svn export svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/sais-sis-common/sais-common-conf/trunk/.m2/settings.xml
There should now be a new file in ${user.home}/.m2 called settings.xml.
- It is highly recommended that you delete the folder ${user.home}/.m2/repositories if it exists. This will slow down your first build, but will highlight any issues you may have with your maven configuration.
Building commons
- You should have a file called registrar-test.jks in your ${user.home}/keystores folder. If you don't have that file, try using the attached registrar-test.jks.
- You should have a file called sais-common-test.properties in your ${user.home} folder. If you don't have that file, try using the attached sais-common-test.properties. *You will need to change the properties mitsis.database.username = and mitsis.database.password to your oracle username and password. If you don't have an oracle username and password, contact db-help@mit.edu.
Check out the code.
- cd to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Windows) or /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Linux)
- If using windows, rename the folder C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common.backup (if that folder exists)
- If using linux, rename /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common to /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common.backup (if that folder exists)
- type svn co svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/sais-sis-common/sais-common/trunk sais-common
- cd into the sais-common folder which was just created
- type mvn clean install
You should see the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the log.
Building commons workflow
- You should have a file called sais-common-workflow-test.properties in your ${user.home} folder. If you don't have that file, try using the attached sais-common-workflow-test.properties.
Check out the code
- cd to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Windows) or /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Linux)
- If using windows, rename the folder C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow.backup (if that folder exists)
- If using linux, rename /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow to /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow.backup (if that folder exists)
- type svn co svn+ssh://eotoole@svn.mit.edu/sais-sis-common/sais-common-
- workflow/trunk sais-common-workflow
- cd into the sais-common-workflow folder which was just created
- type mvn clean install
You should see the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the log.
Building Moves
- You should have a file called sais-common-workflow-test.properties in your ${user.home} folder. If you don't have that file, try using the attached sais-common-workflow-test.properties.
Check out the code
- cd to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Windows) or /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE (on Linux)
- If using windows, rename the folder C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow to C:/Users/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow.backup (if that folder exists)
- If using linux, rename /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow to /home/your-user-name/WORKSPACE/sais-common-workflow.backup (if that folder exists)
- type svn co svn+ssh://
- eotoole@svn.mit.edu/sais-sis-common/sais-common-
- workflow/trunk sais-common-workflow
- cd into the sais-common-workflow folder which was just created
- type mvn clean install
You should see the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the log/maven-serverTrustStore.jksWe are ALMOST at the point where you can build commons, commons-workflow and moves.