IS&T is always looking for folks to partner and support each other. If you would like to volunteer to be a coach, please add your name to the list below.
The following staff are available to provide support and help to staff on various project topics. Staff should feel free to contact the appropriate volunteer for support directly.
{div:class=list|style=margin-left:5.5em}{div2:style=position:absolute;left:-5.5em}Go to topic:{div2}[Requirements|#req] [Testing|#test] [Change Management|#cm] [Ongoing Project Management|#opm]
|| Staff || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || Phone \\ ||
| _ Karon McCollin_ \\ | _[**|]_ | _Administrative Systems_ \\
_HR Payroll_ \\ | _General business analysis, requirements analysis and documentation,_ \\
_business process mapping_ \\ | _x22077_ \\ |
| _ Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | _[**|]_ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Business process mapping_ \\ | _ x33179_ |
|| Staff \\ || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || *Phone* \\ ||
| _Wendy Bastos_ \\ | *_[**|]_* | _Systems Engineering_ \\
_Software Quality Assurance Manager_ \\ | _ Quality assurance and risk identification and management_ | _x89197_ \\ |
| _Karon McCollin_ \\ | *_[**|]_* | _Administrative Systems_ \\
_HR Payroll_ \\ | _Test case development and peer reviews_ | _x22077_ |
*{_}Change Management{_}*
|| Staff || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || Phone \\ ||
| _Wendy Bastos_ \\ | *_[**|]_* | _Systems Engineering_ \\
_Software Quality Assurance Manager_ \\ | _ Quality assurance and risk identification and management_ | _x89197_ \\ |
| _Kevin Mullins_ \\ | _[**|]_ \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Enterprise Application Administration_ \\ | _General change management_ \\ | _x48311_ \\ |
| _Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | _[**|]_ \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Change communication, planning and coordination_ \\ | _x33179_ \\ |
*{_}Ongoing Project Management{_}*
|| Staff \\ || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || *Phone* \\ ||
| _Christine Fitzgerald_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Communications_ \\ | _Project communication plans_ \\ | _x39814_ \\ |
| _amberAmber Fearon_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Communications_ \\ | _Project budgets and forecasting_ \\ | _x39814_ \\ |
| _Marco Gomes_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Network Installation & Projects_ \\ | _General project management_ \\ | _x30336_ \\ |
| _Kevin Mullins_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Enterprise Application Administration_ \\ | _Infrastructure Project Management_ \\ | _x48311_ \\ |
| _Madge Lewis_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Education Systems{_}_ _ \\
_Project Management_ | _General project management_ | _x30664_ \\ |
| _Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Resource planning,_ _team building, stakeholder identification_ \\
_and engagement , communication plans_ \\ | _x33179_ \\ |
| _Lori Singer_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Education Systems_ \\
_Project Management_ \\ | _General project management_ | _x48971_ \\ |
| _Zahida Taher_ \\ | *_[**|]_* \\ | _Education Systems_ \\
_Project Management_ | _General project management_ | _x55221_ \\ |
h5. {color:#993300}{*}{_}Staff should feel free to contact volunteers directly\!_{*}{color} |