11:00 -11:30 am SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY _David Hilliard_(Call, CH Cell: +41797324212, email hillid@mit.edu)____ & __________
11:30-noon SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY __Jen Tutak__ & _ & _Serena Shao (yingshao@mit.edu)_______
2:00 to 2:30 pm SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY __Emmanuel Boros__ & _ & ________
2:30-3:00 pm SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY __Olga Yangol__ & _ & _Sasha Talcott_____
4:00-4:2015.S02 student or team only: Richard Wood (rlwood@mit.edu) SORRY CANCELED BY SASTRY
4:30-4:50 15.S02 student or team only:
5:00-5:30 15.S02 student or team only:Marie-Anne Bazerghi & team
Wednesday 30 November: 5:40-6:30 pm special opportunity for drinks with IDEO Boston Health Lead Jose Colucci
Maximum of 6 15.s02 students; please list your names: Hillary Eason, Bohan Liu, Alex Cox