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h4. Linking Plugin
This plugin contains macros for linking to templates, the dashboard and other Confluence features.
h5. This plugin includes the following macros:
* *add-page* \- This will create a link on your page which, when clicked, is equivalent to clicking 'Add Page' on the Page Operations bar.
* *add-page-form* \- Creates a simple form on a page for users to enter the name of the new page to add.
* *child-countert* \- Allows display of the 'current' and 'next' Child Counter value, as well as the ability to disable or reset the value if required.
* *incoming-linksl* \- Generates a list of links of pages which link into this page.
* *link-page* \- This will create a link to a page, or a link to create a page based on a template and/or parent page.
* *link-to* \- Creates a link to special Confluence locations. All locations are case-insensitive.
* *link-window* \- Links to a page or URL, popping it up into a new window.
* *orphaned-links* \- Creates a list of pages which do not have any other pages linking to them.
* *outgoing-links* \- Creates a list of pages, websites and email addresses the current page links to.
* *undefined-links* \- Creates a list of pages which are linked to but have not yet been created.
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