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otheruses1|the role-playing game
{{infobox RPG

title=Dungeons & Dragons

image=[Image:WotC Dungeons & Dragons.jpg] <!-- FAIR USE of WotC Dungeons & Dragons.jpg: see image description page at Removed

Dungeons & Dragons.jpg for rationale -->

caption=The 3rd Edition ''Dungeons & Dragons'' logo

designer=[Gary Gygax] and [Dave Arneson]; 3rd Edition by [Monte Cook], [Jonathan Tweet] and [Skip Williams]

publisher=[TSR, Inc.]<br />[Wizards of the Coast]

date=1974 (Original)<br />1977-79 (1st Edition)<br />1989 (2nd Edition)<br />2000 (3rd Edition)<br />2003 (v.3.5) <br />2008<ref name="4-ward at Gen Con"/> (4th Edition)


system=[d20 system]
'''''Dungeons & Dragons''''' (abbreviated as '''''D&D''''' or '''''DnD''''') is a [fantasy] [role-playing game] (RPG) originally designed by [Gary Gygax] and [Dave Arneson], and first published in 1974 by the Gygax-owned company [TSR, Inc.] (TSR). The game is currently published by [Wizards of the Coast], a division of [Hasbro]. It was derived from [Miniature wargaming]s, with a variation of the ''[chainmail (game)]'' game serving as the initial rule system.<ref name="Banshee_Gygax" /> ''D&D'''s publication is widely regarded as the beginning of modern role-playing games, and, by extension, the entire role-playing game industry.<ref name="culture">{{cite book

author=Williams, J. P.; Hendricks, S. Q.; Winkler, W. K.


chapter=Introduction: Fantasy Games, Gaming Cultures, and Social Life

title=Gaming as Culture, Essays on Reality, Identity and Experience in Fantasy Games

publisher=Oxford University Press

location=McFarland & Company

id=ISBN 0-7864-2436-2 }}</ref>

Players of ''D&D'' create [Player character]s that embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy [setting (literature)]. A [Dungeon Master] (DM) serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while also maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur. During each game session, the players listen to descriptions of their character's surroundings, as well as additional information and potential choices from the DM, then describe their actions in response. The characters form a party that interacts with the setting's inhabitants (and each other), solves dilemmas, engages in battles and gathers treasure and knowledge.<ref name="culture" /> In the process the characters earn [experience points] to become increasingly powerful over a series of sessions. ''D&D'' departs from traditional wargaming and assigns each player a specific [fictional character] to play. Miniature figures or markers, placed on a grid, are sometimes used to represent these characters.

The early success of ''Dungeons & Dragons'' led to a proliferation of similar game systems, such as ''[Tunnels and Trolls]'',<ref name="hist2" /> ''[Traveller (role-playing game)]'' and ''[RuneQuest]''.<ref name="hist_schick">(Schick 1991:17-34)</ref> Despite this competition, ''D&D'' dominates the role-playing game industry, enjoying a nearly unassailable market position.<ref>[Monte Cook], former D&D designer and an independent publisher, describes the extent of D&D's lead in these extreme terms: "Frankly, the difference in sales between Wizards and all other producers of roleplaying games is so staggering that even saying there is an 'RPG industry' at all may be generous."
{{cite web

last =Cook

first =Monte

authorlink =Monte Cook

title = The Open Game License as I See It, Part II

url = Removed

publisher =

accessdate = 2007-03-15 }}
</ref> In 1977, the game was split into two versions: the simpler ''Dungeons & Dragons'' and the more complex ''[Editions of Dungeons & Dragons#Advanced Dungeons .26 Dragons]'' (abbreviated as ''AD&D'' or ''ADnD''').<ref>{{cite journal

last = Gygax

first = Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

title = From the Sorcerer's Scroll: D&D®, AD&D® and Gaming

journal = [Dragon (magazine)] #26

volume =Vol. III

issue =No. 12

pages =28-30

publisher =[TSR, Inc.]

year =1979

month =June
</ref> In 2000, the simpler version of the game was discontinued and the complex version was renamed simply ''Dungeons & Dragons'' with the release of its 3rd Edition.<ref name="WTNI">[Peter Adkison] "What to Name it?" in ''Third Edition'' chapter of Jonhson et al. (2004:253)</ref> The current version of the game, released in July 2003, is ''Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5'' (also known as the Revised 3rd Edition or ''D&D3.5''). Wizards of the Coast has announced that the fourth edition of the game will be released in May 2008.<ref name="4DAnnounce">{{cite web

url = Removed

title = Dungeons & Dragons Flashes 4-Ward at Gen Con

accessdate = 2007-08-31

date=[August 16], [2007]

publisher = Wizards of the Coast
}} (Press release)</ref>

[As of 2006], ''Dungeons & Dragons'' remains the best-known<ref>According to a 1999 survey in the [United States] 6% of 12 to 35 year olds have played roleplaying games. Of those who play regularly, two thirds play D&D! {{cite paper

author =Ryan S. Dancey

title =Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs)

version =V1.0

publisher =Wizards of the Coast

date =[February 7], [2000]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-23 }}</ref> and best-selling<ref>Products branded ''Dungeons & Dragons'' made up over fifty percent of the RPG products sold in 2005. {{cite web

last = Hite

first = Kenneth

title = State of the Industry 2005: Another Such Victory Will Destroy Us

publisher =

date = [March 30], [2006]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> role-playing game, with an estimated 20 million people having played the game and more than [United States dollar]1 billion in book and equipment sales.<ref>{{cite news

last = Waters

first = Darren

title = What happened to Dungeons and Dragons?

publisher = BBC News Online

date = [April 26], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> Dungeons & Dragons is known beyond the game for other [Dungeons & Dragons related products], references in popular culture and some of the [Dungeons & Dragons controversies] that have surrounded it, particularly a [moral panic] in the 1980s falsely linking it to [Satanism] and [suicide].<ref name="Moral Panic" />

== Play overview ==

[Image:Dungeons and Dragons game.jpg]

''Dungeons & Dragons'' is a structured yet open-ended role-playing game. It is normally played indoors with the participants seated around a table-top. Typically, each player controls only a single character.<ref>Sometimes if not enough players, each may control more than one character. The ''[Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game]'' suggests, "If there are characters left over, some players may play more than one (but they don't have to)". (Tweet 2004) Read This First sheet.</ref> As a group, these [player characters] (PCs) are often described as a 'party' of adventurers, with each often having his or her own areas of specialized talents.<ref>(Slavicsek & Baker 2005:268) Chapter 21:Roleplaying and Working Together</ref> During the course of play, each player directs the actions of his or her character and its interactions with the other characters in the game.<ref>(Tweet 2003:5)</ref><ref name="waskul">{{cite book


first=Dennis D.

editor=Williams, J. P.; Hendricks, S. Q.; Winkler, W. K.


chapter=The Role-Playing Game and the Game of Role-Playing

title=Gaming as Culture, Essays on Reality, Identity and Experience in Fantasy Games

publisher=Oxford University Press

location=McFarland & Company

id=ISBN 0-7864-2436-2 }}</ref> A game often continues over a series of meetings to complete a single [Adventure (role-playing games)], and longer into a series of related gaming adventures, called a '[Campaign (role-playing games)]'.<ref>"Encounters are to adventures what adventures are to campaigns" (Cook 2003:129) Introduction of Chapter Five: Campaigns</ref>

The results of the party's choices and the overall storyline for the game are determined by the [Dungeon Master] (DM) according to the rules of the game and the DM's interpretation of those rules.<ref>(Cook 2003:4) The Dungeon Master</ref> The DM selects and describes the various [non-player character]s (NPCs) the party encounters, the settings in which these interactions occur, and the outcomes of those encounters based on the players' choices and actions.<ref>(Slavicsek & Baker 2005:293) Chapter 23: Running the Game </ref><ref name="waskul" /> Encounters often take the form of battles with '[monster]s'—a generic term used in ''D&D'' to describe potentially hostile beings such as animals or mythical creatures. The game's extensive rules—which cover diverse subjects such as social interactions,<ref>(Cook 2003:98) Urban Adventures</ref> [Spells of Dungeons & Dragons],<ref>(Gygax 1979:114) Magical Research</ref> [combat],<ref>(Tweet 2003:114) Combat</ref> and the effect of [Natural environment] on PCs<ref>{{cite book

last =Mohan

first =Kim

title =Wilderness Survival Guide

publisher =TSR


isbn =088038-291-0 }}</ref>—help the DM to make these decisions. The Dungeon Master may choose to deviate from the published rules<ref>(Cook 2003:4) The purpose of sidebars</ref> or make up new ones as he or she feels necessary.<ref>(Tweet 2004:32) Make It Up</ref>

[Image:Dnd v3 5 rulesbooks.png]
The most recent versions of the game's rules are detailed in three [Dungeons & Dragons manuals]: The ''[Player's Handbook]'', the ''[Dungeon Master's Guide]'' and the ''[Monster Manual]''.<ref>The v.3.5. versions of these three books, Tweet (2003), Cook (2003) and Williams (2003), are also available together in a slipcase as ''Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook Gift Set'' ISBN 0-78693-410-7 </ref> A ''[Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game]'' boxed set contains abbreviated rules to help beginners learn the game.<ref>As of 2007 there have been two version of the basic game. Both contained a cut down, introductory version of the D&D v.3.5 rules, [miniature figures], [Dice#Standard variations] and dungeon map tiles with a 1[Inch] grid (Tweet 2004) and (Slavicsek & Sernett 2006). </ref>

The only items required to play the game are the rulebooks, a character sheet for each player and a number of [dice#non-cubical dice]. The current editions also assume (but do not technically require) the use of [Miniature figure (gaming)]s or markers on a gridded surface, items that were optional in earlier editions.<ref>{{cite web

title = What Is D&D?

publisher = [Wizards of the Coast]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> Many optional accessories are available to enhance the game, such as expansion rulebooks, pre-designed [Adventure (Dungeons & Dragons)] and various [Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings].<ref>(Slavicsek & Baker 2005:363) Chapter 30: The Ten Best Dungeon Master Resources</ref>

=== Game mechanics ===
main|Game mechanics (Dungeons & Dragons)

[[Image:DnD Dice Set.jpg|thumb|250px|left|D&D uses [Polyhedron] dice to resolve random events. From left, 4-, 6-, 8-, 12-, 20- and two 10-sided dice.]]

Before the game begins, each player [character creation] his or her player character (PC) and records the details (described below) on a [character sheet]. First, a player rolls dice to determine his or her character's [Game mechanics (Dungeons & Dragons)#ability scores],<ref>While the original game used 3d6 (Gygax & Arneson 1974) and this continued as the standard version with some version, though variants have been included (Gygax 1979:11), the standard for 3rd edition is "rolling four six-sided dice, ignoring the lowest die, and totaling the other three" (Tweet 2000:4).</ref> which consist of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma.<ref>Given is the current standard order for ability scores. Before 2nd edition AD&D they were always ordered strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma.</ref> The player then chooses a [Race (fantasy)] (species), a [Character class (Dungeons & Dragons)] (occupation), an [Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons)] (a moral and ethical outlook) and a number of skills and feats to enhance the character's basic abilities.<ref>(Tweet 2000:4) Character Creation Basics</ref> Additional [back-story], not covered by specific rules, is often also used to further develop the character.<ref>(Gygax 1978:34) Establishing the Character</ref>

During the game, players describe their PC's intended actions, such as punching an opponent or picking a lock, and converse with the DM [in character]—who then describes the result or response.<ref>(Tweet 2004:24) Exploring</ref> Trivial actions, such as picking up a letter or opening an unlocked door, are usually automatically successful. The outcomes of more complex or risky actions are determined by rolling dice.<ref name="waskul" /> Factors contributing to the outcome include the character's ability scores, skills and the difficulty of the task.<ref>(Tweet 2003:62) Using Skills</ref> In circumstances where a character does not have control of an event, such as when a trap or a magical effect is triggered, a [saving throw] can be used to determine whether the resulting damage is reduced or avoided.<ref>"Generally, when you are subject to an unusual or magical attack, you get a saving throw to avoid or reduce the effect." There is identical language in sections titled 'Saving Throws' in (Tweet 2003:136) and (Tweet 2000:119).</ref> In this case the odds of success are influenced by the character's class, levels and (with the 3rd edition) ability scores.<ref>Sections entitled 'Saving Throws' in (Tweet 2003:136) and (Tweet 2000:119-120).</ref>

As the game is played, each PC grows and changes over time as they gain experience. Characters gain (or sometimes lose) experience, skills,<ref>(Cook 2003:197) How PCs Improve</ref> wealth, and may even change alignment<ref>Early editions did not allow or had severe penalties for changing alignment (Gygax 1979a:24) but more recent versions are more allowing of change. (Cook 2003:134)</ref> or add additional character classes.<ref>(Tweet 2003:59) Multiclass Characters</ref> One key way characters progress is by earning [experience points] (XP) when they defeat an enemy or accomplish a difficult task.<ref>(Gygax 1979:84) Experience</ref> Acquiring enough XP allows a PC to advance a [Experience point#Level-based progression], which grants the character improved class features, abilities and skills.<ref>(Tweet 2003:58) Experience and Levels</ref> XP can also be lost in some circumstances, such as encounters with creatures that drain life energy, or by use of certain magical powers that require payment of an XP cost.<ref>(Cook 2003:46) Experience Penalties</ref>

[Hit point]s (HP) are a measure of a character's vitality and health and are determined by the class, level and constitution of each character. They can be temporarily lost when a character sustains wounds in combat or otherwise comes to harm, and loss of HP is the most common way for a character to die in the game.<ref>(Tweet 2003:145) Injury and Death</ref> Death can also result from the loss of key ability scores<ref>(Cook 2003:289) Ability Score Loss</ref> or character levels.<ref>(Cook 2003:296) Level Loss</ref> When a PC dies, it is often possible for the dead character to be resurrected through magic, although some penalties may be imposed as a result. If resurrection is not possible or not desired, the player may instead create a new PC to resume playing the game.<ref>(Cook 2003:41) Character Death</ref>

=== Adventures and campaigns ===

<!-- [[Image:S3ModuleCover.jpg|thumb|175px|''[Expedition to the Barrier Peaks]'' was one of the few D&D adventures released by [TSR, Inc.] to include [science fiction] elements.]] -->
<!-- FAIR USE of S3ModuleCover.jpg: see image description page at Removed for rationale => Objection to fair use criteria per FAC -->
{{main|Adventure (Dungeons & Dragons) }}

A typical ''Dungeons & Dragons'' game consists of an 'adventure', which is roughly equivalent to a single story.<ref>(Cook 2003:43) Chapter Three: Adventures</ref> The DM can either design an adventure on his or her own, or use one of the [List of Dungeons & Dragons adventures] (previously known as [List of Dungeons & Dragons modules]) that have been published throughout the history of ''Dungeons & Dragons''. Published adventures typically include a background story, illustrations, maps and goals for PCs to achieve. Some also include location descriptions and handouts. Although a small adventure entitled '[Temple of the Frog]' was included in the ''[Blackmoor#Original Publication]'' rules supplement in 1975,<ref>{{cite book



authorlink=Dave Arneson

date=[January 1], [1975]

title=Dungeons & Dragons Supplement II: Blackmoor

pages=60 p

publisher=TSR Games

location=Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

url= Removed

format = PDF


isbn=0007302800 }}</ref> the first stand-alone D&D module published by TSR was 1978's ''[Steading of the Hill Giant Chief]'', written by Gygax.<ref>{{cite web



date=[August 16], [2004]

url= Removed

title=Gary Gygax Interview—Part 2


accessdate=2007-08-02 }}—''[Steading of the Hill Giant Chief]'' was the first module of the three-part 'Against the Giants' series.</ref>

A linked series of adventures is commonly referred to as a '[Campaign (role-playing games)]'.<ref>"A D&D campaign is an organized framework ... to provide a realistic setting for a series of fantastic adventures." (Schend et al. 1991:256)</ref> The locations where these adventures occur, such as a city, country, planet or an entire [fictional universe], are also sometimes called 'campaigns' but are more correctly referred to as 'worlds' or '[campaign setting]s'.<ref>"It is important to distinguish between a campaign and a world, since the terms often seem to be used interchangeably ... A world is a fictional place in which a campaign is set. It's also often called a campaign setting." (Cook 2003:129)</ref> ''D&D'' settings are based in various [fantasy subgenres] and feature varying levels of magic and technology.<ref>(Williams 1995:45) Properties of Worlds</ref> Popular commercially published [Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings] include [Greyhawk], [Dragonlance], [Forgotten Realms], [Mystara], [Spelljammer], [Ravenloft], [Dark Sun], [Planescape], [Birthright (campaign setting)] and [Eberron].<ref>Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Mystara, Spelljammer, Ravenloft, Dark Sun and Planescape are the campaign settings given their own chapter in Johnson et al. (2004). Eberron was only released in 2004 and, as of 2007, is one of two campaign settings, the other being Forgotten Realms, still actively supported with new releases by Wizards of the Coast.</ref> Alternatively, DMs may develop their own fictional worlds to use as campaign settings.

=== Miniature figures ===

[Image:Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures 2.jpg] <!-- Photograph is under a free license. Figures pictured are FAIR USE as they specifically illustrate the topic under question: D&D miniatures intended for use with D&D -->

The wargames from which ''Dungeons & Dragons'' evolved used [Miniature figure (gaming)]s to represent combatants. ''D&D'' initially continued the use of miniatures in a fashion similar to its direct precursors. The original ''D&D'' set of 1974 required the use of the ''Chainmail'' miniatures game for combat resolution.<ref>(Johnson et al. 2004:23)</ref> By the publication of the 1977 game editions, combat was mostly resolved verbally. Thus miniatures were no longer required for game play, although some players continued to use them as a visual reference.<ref>The first Dungeon Masters Guide gave only a quarter of a page out of a total 240 pages to discussing the option use of miniatures (Gygax 1979:10) Use of Miniature Figures with the Game.</ref>

In the 1970s, numerous companies began to sell miniature figures specifically for ''Dungeons & Dragons'' and similar games. In 1977, the British manufacturer [Minifigs] became the first company to partner with [TSR, Inc.] and release miniatures under the official Dungeons and Dragons label.<ref>{{cite web

last = Beattie

first = Robert

title = A Timeline of the Historical Miniatures Wargaming Hobby

publisher = ''[The Courier (magazine)]'' <!-- Who is this? This web page was originally authored as part of a web site for a now defunct print magazine. Magazine's site linking to it: Removed

. Magazine going defunct: Removed


url = Removed

accessdate = 2006-06-08 }}
</ref> Other licensed [Miniature figure#Manufacturers] who produced official figures include [Grenadier Miniatures] (1980-1983),<ref>{{cite web

last =Pope

first =Thomas

title = Grenadier Models, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

publisher =The Stuff of Legends

date =[March 25], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> [Citadel Miniatures] (1984-1986),<ref>{{cite web

last = Scott

first = Richard

title = Otherworld, The Citadel AD&D Miniatures Range

publisher = Otherworld Miniatures

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> [Ral Partha],<ref>{{cite web

last =Pope

first =Thomas

title = Ral Partha

publisher =The Stuff of Legends

date =[February 27], [2000]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-28 }}
</ref> and TSR itself.<ref>{{cite web

last =Pope

first =Thomas

title = TSR—AD&D

publisher =The Stuff of Legends

date =[November 5], [1999]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-28 }}
</ref> Most of these miniatures used the 25 [Millimetre] scale, with the exception of Ral Partha's 15 mm scale miniatures for the 1st edition Battlesystem.<ref>For a list the 15 mm Ral Partha Battlesystem figures see
{{cite web

last =Moore

first =Jeff

title =15mm Scale Fantasy Figures

publisher =Humberside Wargames Society

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-03-17 }}
</ref><ref>For a photographic example of a 15 mm Ral Partha Battlesystem figure see {{cite web

last =McCuen

first =Mike


publisher =Small Obsessions


url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-03-17 }}</ref>

Periodically, ''Dungeons & Dragons'' has returned to its wargaming roots with supplementary rules systems for miniatures-based wargaming. Supplements such as ''[Battlesystem]'' (1985 & 1989)<ref>{{cite book

last =Niles

first =Douglas

authorlink =Douglas Niles

title =Battlesystem: Fantasy Combat Supplement

publisher =TSR


format=boxed set

isbn =0880383437 }}
</ref><ref>{{cite book

last =Niles

first =Douglas

title =Battlesystem

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-88038-770-X }}
</ref> and a new edition of ''[Chainmail (game)]'' (2001)<ref>{{cite book

last =Tweet

first =Jonathan

authorlink =Jonathan Tweet

coauthors =Chris Pramas, Mike McVey

title =Rulebook: Dungeons & Dragons Chainmail Game

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

</ref><ref>{{cite web



url= Removed

title=List of Winners

publisher=Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design

}}</ref> provided rule systems to handle battles between armies by using miniatures.

''Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition'' (2000) assumes the use of [miniature figure] to represent combat situations in play, an aspect of the game that was further emphasized in the v3.5 revision. The ''[Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game]'' (2003) is sold as sets of plastic, randomly assorted, pre-painted miniatures, and can be used as either part of a standard ''Dungeons & Dragons'' game or as a stand-alone [collectible miniatures game].<ref>{{cite web

last =Tweet

first =Jonathan

authorlink =Jonathan Tweet

title =What Are D&D Miniatures?

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

date =[May 20], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-02-28 }}

== Game history ==

[[Image:Chainmail 3rd edition.jpg|thumb|175px|right|''[Chainmail (game)]'', a ''Dungeons & Dragons'' predecessor.]]
<!-- FAIR USE of Chainmail 3rd edition.jpg: see image description page at Removed 3rd edition.jpg for rationale -->

=== Sources and influences ===
main|Sources and influences on the development of Dungeons & Dragons

The immediate predecessor of ''Dungeons & Dragons'' was a set of medieval miniature rules written by Jeff Perren. These were expanded by [Gary Gygax], whose additions included a fantasy supplement, before the game was published as [Chainmail (game)]. [Dave Arneson] used Chainmail to run games where players controlled a single character instead of an army, an innovation that inspired ''D&D''.<ref name="Banshee_Gygax">{{cite web

last =Birnbaum

first =Jon

title =Gary Gygax Interview

publisher =Game Banshee

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-03-01 }}

Many ''Dungeons & Dragons'' elements also appear in hobbies of the mid- to late twentieth century (though these elements also existed previously). Character-based role playing, for example, can be seen in [historical reenactment]<ref>{{cite news



title=Battlefield of Dreams

publisher=The Washington Post

date=[October 19], [2001]

url= Removed

accessdate=2007-08-12 }}—by way of example.</ref> and [improvisational theatre].<ref>{{cite conference



title=Albert Goes Narrative Contracting

booktitle=DiGRA 2005 Papers

publisher=Simon Fraser University

date=June 16-20, 2005

location=Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

url= Removed

accessdate=2007-08-12 }}</ref> Game-world simulations were well-developed in [wargaming]. Fantasy milieus specifically designed for gaming could be seen in [Glorantha]'s board games among others.<ref name="hist_schick" /> Ultimately, however, ''Dungeons & Dragons'' represents a unique blending of these elements.

The theme of D&D was influenced by [mythology], [pulp magazine], and contemporary fantasy authors of the 1960s and 1970s. The presence of [halflings], [Elf (Dungeons & Dragons)], [Dwarf (Dungeons & Dragons)], [half-elf], [Orc (Dungeons & Dragons)], [Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)] and the like often draw comparisons to the work of [Tolkien]. Gygax maintains that he was influenced very little by ''[The Lord of the Rings]'' (although the owners of that work's copyright forced the name change of hobbit to halfling, ent to treant, and balrog to Type VI demon (balor)), stating that he included these elements as a marketing move to draw on the popularity of the work.<ref>{{cite journal

last =Kuntz

first =Rob

authorlink =Robert J. Kuntz

title = Tolkien in Dungeons & Dragons

journal = [Dragon (magazine)] #13

volume =Vol. II

issue =No. 7

pages =8

publisher =TSR Hobbies, Inc.

date = April 1978

accessdate = }}</ref><ref name="Dragon95">{{cite journal

last =Gygax

first =Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

title = On the influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on the D&D and AD&D games

journal = [Dragon (magazine)] #95

volume =Vol. IX

issue =No. 10

pages =12-13

publisher =TSR Hobbies, Inc.

date = March 1985

issn = 0279-6848}}

The magic system, in which wizards memorize spells that are forgotten once cast, was heavily influenced by the ''[Dying Earth series]'' stories and novels of [Jack Vance].<ref>{{cite journal

last = Gygax

first = Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

title = The Dungeons and Dragons Magic System

journal = The Strategic Review

volume =Vol. II

issue =No. 2

pages =3

publisher =TSR Hobbies, Inc.

date = April 1976}}
</ref> The original alignment system (which grouped all players and creatures into 'Law', 'Neutrality' and 'Chaos') was derived from the novel ''[Three Hearts and Three Lions]'' by [Poul Anderson].<ref name="lit_source" /> A troll described in this work also influenced the D&D definition of that monster.<ref name="Dragon95" />

Other influences include the works of [Robert E. Howard], [Edgar Rice Burroughs], [A. Merritt], [H.P. Lovecraft], [Fritz Leiber], [L. Sprague de Camp], [Fletcher Pratt], [Roger Zelazny], and [Michael Moorcock].<ref>The first seven listed here are the "most immediate influences". (Gygax 1979a:224) Appendix N: Inspirational and Educational Reading</ref> Monsters, spells, and magic items used in the game have been inspired by hundreds of individual works ranging from [Van vogt] "The Destroyer" (the [Displacer Beast]), [Lewis Carroll]'s "[Jabberwocky]" ([vorpal] sword) to the Book of [Genesis] (the clerical spell 'Blade Barrier' was inspired by the "flaming sword which turned every way" at the gates of [Garden of Eden]).<ref name="lit_source">{{cite web

last =DeVarque

first =Aardy R.

title =Literary Sources of D&D

publisher = FAQs

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}

=== Edition history ===
main|Editions of Dungeons & Dragons
''Dungeons & Dragons'' has gone through several revisions. Parallel versions and inconsistent naming practices can make it difficult to distinguish between the different editions.
[Image&d Box1st.jpg]
<!-- FAIR USE of D&d_Box1st.jpg: see image description page at Removed for rationale -->
The original ''Dungeons and Dragons'' (now referred to as OD&D) was a small box set of three booklets published in 1974.<ref>(Gygax & Arneson 1974)</ref> Amateurish in production and written from a perspective which assumed the reader had familiarity with wargaming, it nevertheless exploded in popularity, first among wargamers and then expanding to a more general audience of [college] and [high school] students. This first set went through many printings and was supplemented with several official additions (such as the original [Greyhawk#Publications] and [Blackmoor] modules, both 1975<ref>(Schick 1991:132-153)</ref>) and magazine articles, both in TSR's official publications and countless [fanzine]s.

In 1977, TSR created the first element of a two-pronged strategy that would divide the D&D game for over two decades. A ''Basic Dungeons & Dragons'' boxed set was introduced<ref name="tsr_history" /> to clean up the presentation of the essential rules, make the system understandable to people who had never played wargames before, and put it all in a package allowing the game to be stocked on common retail shelves. In 1978 ''Advanced Dungeons & Dragons'' (AD&D) was published,<ref name="tsr_history" /> an attempt to bring together all the rules, options and corrections spread across the various D&D publications and expand them into a single unified and definitive game. The original plan was that the 'basic' game would be targeted to toy stores and the general public, while the 'advanced' game would be marketed to existing hobbyist gamers. Players who exhausted the possibilities of the basic game were directed in that set to switch to the advanced game. However, this plan went awry nearly from inception, as the basic game included many rules and concepts which contradicted comparable ones in the advanced game. The cause of this seems to have been a difference of design philosophy; Gygax, who wrote the advanced game, wanted an expansive game with rulings on any conceivable situation which might come up during play, a document which could be used to arbitrate disputes at tournaments. J. Eric Holmes, the editor of the basic game, preferred a lighter tone with more room for personal improvisation. Confusing matters further, the original crude D&D boxed set continued to be printed and sold well into 1979, since it remained a healthy seller for TSR. Thus three different versions of the game were being published concurrently.<ref name="hist_schick" />

In 1981 ''Basic Dungeons & Dragons'' was revised by Tom Moldvay. However, for reasons that are debated to this day, the game was not brought in line with AD&D but instead was made even more different. Thus the Dungeons & Dragons game (sometimes called ''Basic D&D'' to distinguish it from ''AD&D'', though TSR never referred to the entire system as such) became a separate and distinct product from TSR's flagship game AD&D. Discrete sets of increasing power levels were introduced as expansions for the basic game.<ref>{{cite journal

last =Gygax

first =Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

title =Dungeons & Dragons: What Is It and Where Is It Going?

journal =[Dragon (magazine)] #21

volume =Vol. III

issue =No. 8

pages =29-30

publisher =[TSR, Inc.]

year =1978

month = December

issn = 1062-2101 }}
</ref> However, after the first version of the Basic Set this game was promoted as an evolution of original D&D and distinct from ''AD&D''.<ref name="dragon26" /> Although simpler overall than the 'Advanced' game, it included rules for some situations not covered in ''AD&D''. There were five sets: ''Basic'' (1977, revised in 1981 and again in 1983),<ref>(Gygax & Arneson 1977, 1981a & 1983a)</ref> ''Expert'' (1981, revised in 1983),<ref>(Gygax & Arneson 1981b & 1983b)</ref> ''Companion'' (1983),<ref>(Mentzer 1985)</ref> ''Master'' (1985),<ref>(Gygax & Mentzer 1985)</ref> and ''Immortals'' (1986, 1991)<ref>(Mentzer 1986) & (Allston 1992)</ref> each covering game play for higher character experiences levels than the former. The first four sets were later compiled as a single hardcover book, the ''Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia'' (1991).<ref>(Schend et al. 1991)</ref>

'''''Advanced Dungeons & Dragons''''' (or ''AD&D'') was a more complex version of the game. It was designed to create a tighter more structured game system than the loose framework of the original game.<ref name="dragon26">{{cite journal

last =Gygax

first =Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

title =D&D, AD&D and Gaming

journal =[Dragon (magazine)] #26

volume =Vol. III

issue =No. 12

pages =29-30

publisher =[TSR, Inc.]

year =1979

month = June

issn = 1062-2101 }}
</ref> While seen by many as a revision of D&D,<ref name="WTNI" /> AD&D was at time declared to be "neither an expansion nor a revision of the old game, it is a new game".<ref name="dragon26" /> The ''AD&D'' game was not intended to be directly compatible with ''D&D'' and requires some conversion to play between the rule sets.<ref>(Schend et al. 1991:291) Appendix 2: AD&D Game Conversions</ref> The term ''Advanced'' describes the more complex rules and does not imply "for higher-level gaming abilities". Between 1977 and 1979, three hardcover rulebooks, commonly referred to as the 'core rulebooks', were released: The ''[Player's Handbook]'' (PHB),<ref>(Gygax 1978)</ref> the ''[Dungeon Master's Guide]'' (DMG),<ref>(Gygax 1979a)</ref> and the ''[Monster Manual]'' (MM).<ref>(Gygax 1977)</ref> Several additional books published throughout the 1980s, notably ''[Unearthed Arcana]'' (1985),<ref>(Gygax 1985)</ref> included a large number of new rules.<ref name="tsr_history" />

<!-- FAIR USE of DungeonMasterGuide4Cover.jpg: see image description page at Removed for rationale -->

'''''Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition''''' (sometimes referred to as ''AD&D2'' or ''2nd Ed'') was published in 1989,<ref name="tsr_history" /> once again as three core rulebooks. The ''Monster Manual'' was replaced by the ''[Monstrous Compendium]'', a loose-leaf binder which was later replaced by the hardcover ''[Monstrous Manual]'' in 1993. The release of ''AD&D2'' also corresponded with an effort to remove aspects of the game which had attracted negative publicity. This edition removed references to demons and devils, suggestive artwork, and playable, evil-aligned character types (such as assassins and half-orcs).<ref name="Dragon 154" /> Aside from these revisions the rules underwent a number of minor changes including for the addition of non-weapon proficiencies (which are skill-like abilities that originally appeared in 1st Edition supplements) and the division of magic spells into schools and spheres.<ref>{{cite web

last =Hahn

first =Joel A

coauthors =Lawrence 'DMGorgon' Mead, Ian Malcomson, Wizards of the Coast Staff

title =Dungeons & Dragons FAQ

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]


url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-04-03 }}
</ref> In 1995, the core rulebooks were slightly revised and a series of ''Player's Option'' manuals were released as optional core rulebooks.<ref name="tsr_history"><!-- Archived copy in case the one below dies or changes: Removed

-->{{cite web



url= Removed

title=The History of TSR

publisher=Wizard's of the Coast

accessdate=2007-08-14 }}</ref> Although still referred to by TSR as the 2nd Edition,<ref>"This is not ''AD&D'' 3rd edition" Winter, Steven (1995-02-06) 'Foreword' in {{cite book

first = David

last = Cook

year = 1995

month =

origdate = 1989b

title = [Player's Handbook]

edition = Revised Edition

publisher = TSR

isbn = 0-7869-0329-5

url = }}
</ref> this revision is seen by some fans as a distinct edition of the game and is sometimes referred to as ''AD&D 2.5''.<ref>{{cite web

title =AD&D Player's Handbook 2.5 PDF

work =Store

publisher =[Paizo Publishing]

date =

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}
</ref><ref>For example: {{cite web

last =Hiryu

title =2E vs. Revised

work =Store

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

date =[December 7], [2003]

url = Removed

format =web board

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}

'''''Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition''''' (also referred to as ''D&D3'' or ''3E'' and not to be confused with the 1983 edition of the basic ''D&D'' game) was released in 2000 following three years of development which began when a near-bankrupt TSR was bought by [Wizards of the Coast] in 1997.<ref>Adkison, Peter ''Third Edition'' chapter in Johnson et al. (2004:250) "After ... the idea of acquiring TSR began to swim in my mind it took me maybe thirty seconds to decide, We've got to do a third edition of Dungeons & Dragons."</ref> The 3rd Edition was the largest revision of the ''D&D'' rules to date, and also served as the basis for a broader role-playing system designed around 20-sided dice, called the [d20 System].<ref>Adkison, Peter ''Third Edition'' chapter in Johnson et al. (2004:273) D20 and the Open Gaming License</ref> The 3rd Edition rules were designed with the intention of making them more internally consistent and significantly less restrictive than previous editions of the game, allowing players much more flexibility in creating the characters they wanted to play.<ref>Adkison, Peter ''Third Edition'' chapter in Johnson et al. (2004:255-263) Design Philosophy</ref> Skills and feats were introduced into the core rules to encourage players to further customize their characters.<ref>{{cite journal

title =Countdown to 3rd Edition: Feats and Fighters

journal =[Dragon (magazine)] #270

volume =Vol. XXIV

issue =No. 11

pages =30-31

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

year =2000

month = April

issn = 1062-2101 }}
</ref> The new rules also standardized the mechanics of action resolution and combat.<ref>(Tweet 2003:4) What Characters Can Do</ref>

'''''Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5''''' (also known as Revised 3rd Edition or ''D&D3.5'') in 2003 is a revision of the 3rd Edition rules. This release incorporated hundreds of rule changes, mostly minor, and expanded the core rulebooks.<ref>(Tweet 2003:4) Why the Revision?</ref>

'''''Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition''''', announced at GenCon in August 2007, is set to be published in May of 2008. Wizards of the Coast announced that the new edition will provide character levels going up to 30th, better-defined character roles, simplified game mastering and expanded online content. There are also plans to support playing the game over the Internet.<ref name="4-ward at Gen Con">{{cite news

title=Dungeons & Dragons Flashes 4-ward at Gen Con

publisher=Wizards of the Coast

date=[August 16], [2007]

url= Removed


accessdate=2007-08-19 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web


date=[August 16], [2007]

url= Removed


title=Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition: Part 1


accessdate=2007-08-18 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web



url= Removed

title=Wizards of the Coast at Gen Con!

publisher=Wizards of the Coast

accessdate=2007-08-18 }}</ref>

=== Acclaim ===

The various editions of ''Dungeons & Dragons'' have won many [Origins Award]s, including ''All Time Best Roleplaying Rules of 1977'', ''Best Roleplaying Rules of 1989'' and ''Best Roleplaying Game of 2000'' for the three flagship editions of the game.<ref>{{cite web



url = Removed

title = Archive of List of Origins Award Winners

accessdate = 2007-02-22

publisher = Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design
}}—select year on right of page.</ref> Both ''Dungeons & Dragons'' and ''Advanced Dungeons & Dragons'' are [Origins Award] inductees as they were deemed sufficiently distinct to merit separate inclusion on different occasions.<ref>{{cite web



url= Removed

title=Hall of Fame

publisher=Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design

accessdate=2007-07-06 }}</ref> The independent [Games (magazine)] magazine placed ''Dungeons & Dragons'' on their ''Games 100'' list from 1980 through 1983, then entered the game into the magazine's Hall of Fame in 1984.<ref>(Schick 1991:414-418)</ref><ref>{{cite web



url= Removed

title=Hall of Fame

publisher=Games Magazine Online

accessdate= 2007-08-13 }}</ref>

=== Influence ===

''Dungeons & Dragons'' was the first modern role-playing game and it established many of the conventions that have dominated the genre.<ref name="hist9">"Although we have come a long way since D&D, the essential concept is still the same, and is one that will endure."{{cite journal

last = Darlington

first = Steve

title = A History of Role-Playing Part IX: The End and The Beginning

journal = Places to Go, People to Be

publisher = Places to Go, People to Be

issue = Issue 9

year = 1999

month = August

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-04-03 }}</ref> Particularly notable are the use of [dice] as a [game mechanic], [Character sheet], use of [Statistic (role-playing games)] and gamemaster-centered group dynamics.<ref>{{cite web

last =Rilstone

first =Andrew

title =Role-Playing Games: An Overview

publisher =The Oracle


url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-04-04 }}

Over the years, many gamers have criticized various aspects of the ''Dungeons & Dragons'' rules. Within months of ''Dungeons & Dragons'''s release, new role-playing game writers and publishers began releasing their own role-playing games, with most of these being in the fantasy genre. Some of the earliest other role-playing games inspired by D&D include ''[Tunnels and Trolls]'' (1975),<ref name="hist2">(Schick 1978:223-224)</ref> ''[Tékumel]'' (1975) and ''[Chivalry and Sorcery]'' (1976).<ref>{{cite book

first=Gary Alan



title=Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds

pages=pp. 16-19

publisher=University of Chicago Press

location=New York

id=ISBN 0226249441 }}</ref> The role-playing movement initiated by D&D would lead to release of the science fiction game ''[Traveller (roleplaying game)]'' (1977) and fantasy game ''[RuneQuest]'' (1978), and subsequent game systems such as [Chaosium]'s ''[Call of Cthulhu (role-playing game)]'' (1981), ''[Champions (roleplaying game)]'' (1982), ''[GURPS]'' (1986)<ref name="hist5">{{cite journal

last = Darlington

first = Steven

title = A History of Role-Playing Part V: The Power and the Glory

journal = Places to Go, People to Be

publisher = Places to Go, People to Be

issue = Issue 5

date = November 1998

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-28 }}
</ref> and ''[The Masquerade]'' (1992).<ref name="hist8">{{cite journal

last = Darlington

first = Steven

title = A History of Role-Playing Part VIII: Dark Times

journal = Places to Go, People to Be

publisher = Places to Go, People to Be

issue = Issue 8

date = June 1999

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-28 }}
</ref><ref name="hist_schick" /> ''Dungeons & Dragons'' and the games it influenced also fed back into the genre's origin—miniatures wargames—with combat strategy games like ''[Warhammer Fantasy Battles]''.<ref>{{cite web

last =Grady

first =RJ

title =In Genre: THE DUNGEON

publisher =[RPGnet]

date =[August 4], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-05 }}
</ref> D&D also had a large impact on modern [video games].<ref>{{cite web


title =How Dungeon & Dragons shaped the modern videogame

work =[PC Gamer]

publisher = [Future Publishing] Limited

date =[February 8], [2007]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}

With the launch of ''Dungeons & Dragons'''s [Editions of Dungeons & Dragons], Wizards of the Coast made the [d20 System] available under the [Open Gaming License] (OGL) and [D20 System#Trademark License]. Under these licenses, authors are free to use the d20 System when writing games and game supplements.<ref name="d20">{{cite web

title =The d20 System

work =

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

date =

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}
</ref> The OGL and d20 Trademark License also made possible new games, some based on licensed products like [Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)], and also new versions of older games, such as ''[Call of Cthulhu (role-playing game)#d20 Call of Cthulhu]''.

During the 2000s, there has been a trend towards recreating older editions of [D&D]. [Necromancer Games], with its slogan "Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel"<ref>{{cite web



url= Removed

title=D20 Products with 3rd Edition Rules, 1st Edition Feel

publisher=Necromancer Games

accessdate=2007-08-21 }}</ref> and Goodman Games 'Dungeon Crawl Classics' range<ref>{{cite web

last =

first =

authorlink =

coauthors =

title =Dungeon Crawl Classics

work =

publisher =Goodman Games

date =

url = Removed

format =

doi =

accessdate = 2007-03-20 }}</ref> are both examples of this in material for d20 System. Other companies have created complete game systems based on earlier editions of D&D. An example is ''[HackMaster]'' (2001) by [Kenzer and Company], a licensed, non-OGL, semi-satirical follow-on to 1st and 2nd Edition.<ref>{{cite web

last =Thorn

first =Mike

authorlink =

coauthors =

title =Review of Hackmaster 4th Edition

work =

publisher =[RPGnet]

date =[June 9], [2006]

url = Removed

format =

doi =

accessdate = 2007-03-19 }}</ref> ''[Castles & Crusades]'' (2005), by Troll Lord Games, is a reimagining of early editions by streamlining rules from OGL<ref>"Castles & Crusades is a fantasy RPG, clearly based upon the first edition of AD&D but with streamlined d20-like rules."{{cite web

last =Mythmere

first =

authorlink =

coauthors =

title =Castles & Crusades Players Handbook (4.6 stars)

work =

publisher =Mythmere's Wondrous Resource

date =

url = Removed

format =

doi =

accessdate = 2007-03-19 }}</ref> that is being supported by [Gary Gygax].<ref>Gary Gygax is writing an entire line of Castle Zagyg products for Castles & Crusades.{{cite web

last =

first =

authorlink =

coauthors =

title =Castle Zagyg Product Page

work =

publisher =Troll Lord Games

date =

url = Removed

format =

doi =

accessdate = 2007-03-19 }}</ref>

=== Controversy and notoriety ===
main|Dungeons & Dragons controversies

At various times in its history, ''Dungeons & Dragons'' has received negative publicity, in particular from many Christian groups, for alleged promotion of such practices as [Satanism#Devil worship], [witchcraft], [suicide], and [murder], and for topless drawings of female humanoids in the original AD&D manuals (mainly monsters such as [Harpy], [Succubus (Dungeons & Dragons)], etc.)<ref name="Moral Panic">{{cite journal

last = Waldron

first = David

title = Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic

journal = The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture

volume = Vol. IX

publisher =Department of Religious Studies and Anthropology, [University of Saskatchewan]

date = Spring 2005

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-27 }}
</ref><ref name="attacks">{{cite journal

author=Paul Cardwell, Jr

title=The Attacks on Role-Playing Games

journal=Skeptical Inquirer





url= Removed

accessdate=2007-08-04 }}</ref> These controversies led TSR to remove many potentially controversial references and artwork when releasing the 2nd Edition of ''AD&D''.<ref name="Dragon 154">{{cite journal

last =Ward

first =James M

authorlink =Jim Ward (game designer)

title =The Games Wizards: Angry Mothers From Heck (And what we do about them)

journal =[Dragon (magazine)] #154

volume =Vol. XIV

issue =No. 9

pages =9

date =February 1990

issn = 0279-6848

accessdate = }} ISBN 0-88038-865-X
</ref> Many of these references, including the use of the names 'devils' and 'demons', were reintroduced in the 3rd edition.<ref>(Williams 2000:41,47)</ref> The [moral panic] over the game also led to problems for fans of D&D who faced further social ostracism, unfair treatment and false association with the occult and [Satanism], regardless of an individual fan's actual religious affiliation and beliefs.<ref>{{cite web


first=Kenneth A.

date=[April 27], [2001]

url= Removed

title=Moral Panics Over Youth Culture and Video Games

publisher=Worcester Polytechnic Institute

accessdate=2007-08-27 }}</ref>

''Dungeons & Dragons'' has also been the subject of unsubstantiated rumors regarding players having difficulty separating fantasy and reality, even leading to [psychotic] episodes.<ref>{{cite journal

last = Darlington

first = Steve

title = A History of Role-Playing Part IV: Part Four: Hell and High Finance

journal = Places to Go, People to Be

issue = Issue 4

year = 1998

month = August

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-04-03 }}
</ref> The most notable of these was the saga of [Steam tunnel incident],<ref>{{cite journal

last = Hately

first = Shaun

title = The Disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III (Part I)

journal = Places to Go, People to Be

issue = Issue 6

year =1999

month =February

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-21 }}
</ref> which was fictionalized in the novel ''[Mazes and Monsters (novel)]'' and later made into a low-budget [Mazes and Monsters] starring [Tom Hanks].<ref>{{cite news



date=[December 28], [1982]

title=TV: 'Mazes and Monsters,' Fantasy

publisher=New York Times

url= Removed

accessdate=2007-08-04 }}</ref><ref name="attacks" />

The game's commercial success was a factor which led to [lawsuits] regarding distribution of [royalties] between the initial creators Gygax and Arneson.<ref>{{cite journal


title =Interview with Dave Arneson

journal =Pegasus

issue =Issue 1

publisher =[Judges Guild]

year =1981

month = April/May

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-02-23}}
</ref><ref>{{cite web

last =Rausch

first =Allen

title =Dave Arneson Interview

publisher =[GameSpy]

date =[August 19], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-02-23}}
</ref> Gygax later became embroiled in a political struggle for control of TSR which culminated in a court battle and Gygax's decision to sell his ownership interest in the company in 1985.<ref name="Gygax-GygaxFAQ">{{cite web

last =Gygax

first =Gary

url= Removed

title=Gygax FAQ

publisher=The Creative World of Gary Gygax <!-- Gygax's personal site as of the time this link was taken. Now domain squatted. Removed



archiveurl= Removed

archivedate=1999-01-28 }}</ref>

Early in the game's history, TSR took no action against small publishers producing ''D&D'' compatible material. This attitude changed in the mid 1980s when TSR revoked these rights (even from publishers they had earlier officially licensed, such as [Judges Guild]),<ref>{{cite journal

last = Bob

first = Bledsaw

title = From the Sorcerer's Scroll: What has Judges Guild done for Dungeons and Dragons®

journal = The Dragon #27

volume =Vol. IV

issue =No. 1

pages =10-11

publisher =TSR Hobbies, Inc.

date = July 1979 }}
</ref> and took legal action to prevent others from publishing compatible material. This angered many fans and led to resentment by the other gaming companies.<ref name="hist_schick" /> TSR itself also ran afoul of intellectual property law in several cases.<ref>Copyright conflicts with the [Tolkien Estate] lead to removal of references to [Hobbit]s, [Ent]s and others. {{cite book

author=Hallford, N.; Hallford, J.


title=Swords & Circuitry: A Designer's Guide to Computer Role Playing Games

publisher=Thomson Course Technology PTR

edition=First edition

pages=p. 39

id=ISBN 0761532994 }}</ref><ref>Disputes over licenses led to an agreement for Chaosium to use the ''[Thieves' World]'' license in exchange for allowing TSR to legally publish the [Cthulhu Mythos] and [Melniboné] mythoi in [Deities & Demigods]. See: {{cite web




url= Removed

title=Chaosium: 1975-Present

work=A Brief History of Game


accessdate=2007-08-13 }}</ref>

After publishing the 3rd Edition, the then-license holders reversed the stance on 3rd party material with the introduction of the [Open Gaming License], which allows compatible material (though technically not ''Dungeons & Dragons'' material) to be produced.<ref> Wizards of the Coast: The d20 System and the Open Gaming License</ref>

== Related products ==

[Image&D Game 1.jpg]
main|Dungeons & Dragons related products

''D&D'''s commercial success has led to many other related products, including (but not limited to) [Dragon (magazine)], [Dungeon (magazine)], an [Dungeons & Dragons (TV series)], a [Dungeons & Dragons (film)] and [List of Dungeons & Dragons computer and video games] such as the [MMORPG] ''[Stormreach]''. Hobby and toy stores sell [Dice#non-cubical dice], [Miniature figure (gaming)], [Adventure (Dungeons & Dragons)] and other game aids related to ''D&D'' and its game offspring.

== References in popular culture ==


As the popularity of ''D&D'' grew throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, the game was referenced more and more in popular culture. Numerous games, films and cultural references based on ''D&D'' or ''D&D''-like fantasies, characters or adventures have been ubiquitous since the end of the 1970s. Typically, though by no means exclusively, ''D&D'' players are portrayed derogatively as the epitome of [geek]dom.<ref>{{cite news

last =Currell

first =Latasha

coauthors =

title =Dungeons and Dragons—30 Years and Going Strong

work =The Golden Gate XPress Online

pages =

language =

publisher =The Journalism Department @ [San Francisco State University]

date =[September 1], [2004]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}
</ref> References to the game are used as shorthand to establish characterization or provide the punch line of a joke.<ref>Examples include {{cite journal

last =

first =

authorlink =

coauthors =

title =Bill Gates Grants Self 18 Dexterity, 20 Charisma

journal =[The Onion]

volume =

issue =Issue 31- 21

pages =

publisher = Onion, Inc

date =[June 18], [1997]

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-04-03 }} and {{cite video

people = [David X. Cohen]; [Ken Keeler], [Eric Rogers] (writers)

title =[Futurama] Episode [Anthology of Interest I#Act 3]

medium =TV Show

publisher =[20th Century Fox Television]

location =

date =[May 5], [2000] }}
</ref> Many players, miffed with this stereotype,<ref>{{cite news

last =Roberts

first =Tara

coauthors =

title ='D&D' players defy stereotypes

work =The Argonaut

pages =

language =

publisher =[University of Idaho]

date =[September 13], [2005]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-04-03 }}
</ref> embrace the fact that comedian [Stephen Colbert], musician [Moby], and actors [Vin Diesel], [Matthew Lillard], [Mike Myers (actor)], [Patton Oswalt], [Wil Wheaton] and [Robin Williams] have made their ''D&D'' hobbies public.<ref>Diesel contributed the introduction, and both Colbert and Wheaton page long personal reflections to Johnson ''et al.'' (2004)</ref><ref>Diesel, Williams, Moby, Lillard, Colbert: {{cite journal

last = Shanafelt

first = Steve

title=The growing chic of geek: How turning 30 made Dungeons & Dragons feel young again

journal=Mountain Xpress

date=[November 2], [2005]



url= Removed

accessdate=2007-08-04 }}</ref><ref>Diesel, Colbert, Lillard: {{cite web

last = Tonjes

first = Wayne

date =[October 19], [2005]

url= Removed

title=Interview with Charles Ryan on the 2005 Worldwide Dungeons & Dragons Game Day

publisher=Gaming Report

accessdate = 2007-08-04 }}</ref><ref>Oswalt: {{Citation

last = Leckart

first = Steven

year = 2007

date = [June 26], [2007]

title = Ratatouille Star Patton Oswalt on Geeks vs. Nerds

periodical = Wired

volume = 15

issue = 07

url = Removed

}}</ref><ref>Myers: {{cite episode

title = Mike Myers

episodelink =

series = Inside the Actors' Studio

serieslink =

airdate = 2001-02-04

season = 7

number = 9 }}</ref>

Dungeons & Dragons has made many appearances in popular culture, such as in:

*[Weird Al]'s song "[White & Nerdy]".

*The final episode ("Discos and Dragons") of the ''[Freaks and Geeks]'' TV series.

Musician/comedian [Stephen Lynch]'s song called "D&D", which mocks the typical stereotype of a ''Dungeons & Dragons'' player—a [metalhead] that smokes [marijuana], drinks [Mountain Dew], lives in his mother's basement, and has little to no interaction with females. He has performed the song live on several radio programs including ''[Opie and Anthony]'' and [Preston and Steve].

== See also ==

selfref|* [:Category:Dungeons & Dragons creatures]|

  • ''[OSRIC]'' (Old School Reference & Index Compilation), an attempt to re-issue the rules for First Edition AD&D while complying with the [Open Gaming License].

== Notes ==

<!-- See Removed for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the<ref> and </ref> tags and the tag below -->


== References ==
<div class="references-small">

  • {{cite book

    last =Allston

    first =Aaron

    authorlink =Aaron Allston

    title =Wrath of the Immortals

    publisher =[TSR, Inc.]


    isbn =1560764120 }}

  • {{cite book

first = David

last = Cook

year = 1989a

title = [Dungeon Master's Guide]

publisher = TSR

isbn = 0-88038-729-7 }}

  • {{cite book

first = David

last = Cook

year = 1989b

title = [Player's Handbook]

publisher = TSR

isbn = 0-88038-716-5 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Cook

first =Monte

authorlink =Monte Cook

coauthors =[Skip Williams], [Jonathan Tweet]

title =[Dungeon Master's Guide]

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]


isbn = 0-7869-1551-X }}

  • {{cite book

last =Cook

first =Monte

coauthors =Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet

others = revised by David Noonan, Rich Redman

title =[Dungeon Master's Guide]

publisher =[Wizards of the Coast]

origdate = 2000


isbn = 0-7869-2889-1 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

authorlink =Gary Gygax

coauthors =[Dave Arneson]

title =Dungeons & Dragons (3-Volume Set)

publisher =TSR


isbn = }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Dave Arneson

others = edited by J. Eric Holmes

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Basic Set)

publisher =TSR

origdate = 1974


isbn =0394511115 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Dave Arneson

others = edited by [Tom Moldvay]

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Basic Set)

publisher =TSR

origdate = 1974

date =1981a

isbn =0394518349 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Dave Arneson

others = edited by [David "Zeb" Cook]

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Expert Set)

publisher =TSR

origdate = 1974

date =1981b

isbn =0394521986 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Dave Arneson

others = edited by [Frank Mentzer]

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Basic Rules Set 1)

publisher =TSR

origdate = 1974

date =1983a

isbn =0394534212 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Dave Arneson

others = edited by Frank Mentzer

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Expert Rules Set 2)

publisher =TSR

origdate = 1974

date =1983b

isbn =0880383399 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

title =[Monster Manual]

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-935696-00-8 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

title =[Player's Handbook]

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-935696-01-6 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

title =Dungeon Masters Guide

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-935696-02-4 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

title =[Unearthed Arcana]

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-88038-084-5 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Gygax

first =Gary

coauthors =Frank Mentzer

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Set 4: Master Rules)

publisher =TSR


isbn =0880383429 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Johnson

first =Harold

authorlink =

coauthors =Steve Winter, [Peter Adkison], Ed Stark, Peter Archer

title =[A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons]

publisher =Wizards of the Coast


isbn =0-7869-3498-0}} Softcover edition 2006 ISBN 0-7869-4078-6

  • {{cite book

last =Mentzer

first =Frank

authorlink =Frank Mentzer

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Set 3: Companion Rules)

publisher =TSR


isbn =0880383402 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Mentzer

first =Frank

title =Dungeons & Dragons (Set 5: Immortal Rules)

publisher =TSR


isbn =0880383410 }}

  • {{cite journal

last =Pulsipher

first =Lew

title =Introduction to Dungeons & Dragons, Parts I-V

journal =The Best of [White Dwarf (magazine)]

issue =Articles Volume II

pages =10-18

publisher =[Games Workshop]

year=1983 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Schend

first =Steven E.

coauthors =Jon Pickens, Dori Warty (Editors)

title =Rules Cyclopedia

publisher =TSR


isbn = 1-56076-085-0 }}

  • {{cite book




title=Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games

publisher=Prometheus Books

location=Amherst, New York

id=ISBN 0-87975-653-3 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Slavicsek

first =Bill

authorlink =Bill Slavicsek

coauthors =[Richard Baker (game designer)]

title =Dungeons & Dragons [...for Dummies]

publisher =[John Wiley & Sons]


isbn =0-7645-8459-6 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Slavicsek

first =Bill

coauthors =Richard Baker

title =Dungeon Master For Dummies

publisher =Wiley Publishing


isbn =0-471-78330-7 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Slavicsek

first =Bill

coauthors =Mathew Sernett

title =[Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game]

format = boxed set


publisher =Wizards of the Coast

isbn = 0-1869-3944-3 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Tweet

first =Jonathan

coauthors =Monte Cook, Skip Williams

title =[Player's Handbook]

publisher =Wizards of the Coast


isbn = 0-7869-1550-1 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Tweet

first =Jonathan

coauthors =Monte Cook, Skip Williams

others = revised by [Andy Collins]

title =[Player's Handbook]

publisher =Wizards of the Coast

origdate = 2000


isbn = 0-7869-2886-7 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Tweet

first =Jonathan

title =[Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game]

format = boxed set

publisher =Wizards of the Coast


isbn = 0-7869-3409-3 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Williams

first =Skip

title =Dungeon Master Option: High Level Campaigns

publisher =TSR


isbn = 0-7869-0168-3 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Williams

first =Skip

coauthors =Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook

title =[Monster Manual]

publisher =Wizards of the Coast


isbn = 0-7869-1552-8 }}

  • {{cite book

last =Williams

first =Skip

coauthors =Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook

others = revised by [Richard Baker (game designer)], Skip Williams

title =[Monster Manual]

publisher =Wizards of the Coast

origdate = 2000


isbn = 0-7869-2893-X }}

== Further reading ==
<div class="references-small">

last =Edwards

first =Ron

title =A Hard Look at Dungeons and Dragons

publisher =[Indie role-playing game#The Forge]

url = Removed

accessdate =2007-02-23}}—an essay on the early history of the D&D hobby.

  • Fannon, Sean Patrick. ''The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible, 2nd Edition''. Obsidian Studios, 1999. ISBN 0-9674429-0-7
  • Gygax, Gary. ''Roleplaying Mastery''. New York, NY: Perigee, 1987. ISBN 0-399-51293-4
  • Gygax, Gary. ''Master of the Game''. New York, NY: Perigee, 1989. ISBN 0-399-51533-X
  • Miller, John J. "I Was a Teenage Half-Orc", National Review Online, October 15, 2004.
  • Schick, Lawrence. ''Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role Playing Games''. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991. ISBN 0-87975-653-5
  • {{cite news


== External links ==

  • {{cite web

url= Removed

title=Dungeons & Dragons

publisher=[Wizards of the Coast]

accessdate = 2007-08-15 }}

  • {{cite web

url= Removed

title=D&D Wiki

accessdate = 2007-08-15 }}

  • {{cite web

url= Removed

title=TSR Archive


accessdate = 2007-08-15 }}—product catalogue for TSR and others.

  • {{cite web

url= Removed

title=The Acaeum

accessdate = 2007-08-15 }}—auction site with detailed information on pre-AD&D2 (1989) editions of the game.

  • {{cite web

url= Removed


accessdate = 2007-08-15 }}—fan resource for earlier editions.

  • dmoz|Games/Roleplaying/Genres/Fantasy/Dungeons_&_Dragons
  • {{cite web

title = Roleplaying Game Introduction & RPG history

publisher =

year= 2004

url = Removed

accessdate = 2007-03-15 }}

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