- Check the Yankee website to find out the deadline for dropping: http://www.newportvolleyballclub.com/tournaments/yankee_tourney.php?display_location=ALL
- Confirm with or recruit needed players before the cancellation deadline - earlier if possible
- If we do not cancel by the drop date we lose our money
- Tell Darcy Duke if you need to cancel - darcy@mit.edu
- Get phone #s of all players in case of cancellations, delays (or if someone doesn't get out of bed!). In some cases, you can get these from the team directory on the website.
- Membership
- Check the Yankee website (http://www.yankee.org/roster/tdlist.pdf) to see that all of your players have Yankee memberships for this year.
- If a player doesn't have a yankee membership she goes to the Yankee website to renew the membership or make a new one. Start here (http://www.yankee.org/administration/membershipApplication.php) to do either of those things.
- The cost is $50: $25 will be paid by the club, and $25 by the player.
- Print out the confirmation email for your membership and bring to the first tournament with your money
- Captains must contact If the captain contacts Treasurer Lindsey Gilman (lgilman@mit.edu) 3 weeks in advance for new players who need memberships and , she can get checks cut for the players. Otherwise you must should pay out of pocket and get reimbursed by Lindsay.
- Cars
- We drive to tournaments using either personal cars, or rental cars (SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS).
- Determine how many cars you have and how many cars you need.
- Get a rental car reservation (if you need it) and assign a driver.