- Check the Yankee website to find out the deadline for dropping: http://www.newportvolleyballclub.com/tournaments/yankee_tourney.php?display_location=ALL
- Confirm with or recruit needed players before the cancellation deadline - earlier if possible
- If we do not cancel by the drop date we lose our money
- Tell Darcy Duke if you need to cancel - darcy@mit.edu
- Membership
- Check the Yankee website (http://www.yankee.org/roster/tdlist.pdf) to see that all of your players have Yankee memberships for this year.
- If a player doesn't have a yankee membership : She she goes to the Yankee website to renew the membership or make a new one. Start here (http://www.yankee.org/administration/membershipApplication.php) to do either of those things.
- The cost is $50: $25 will be paid by the club, and $25 by the player.
- Print out the confirmation email for your membership and bring to the first tournament with your money
- Captains must contact Lindsey Gilman (lgilman@mit.edu) for new players who need memberships and she can get checks cut for the players. Otherwise you must pay out of pocket and get reimbursed by Lindsay.
- We drive to tournaments using either personal cars, or rental cars (SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS).
- Determine how many cars you have and how many cars you need.
- Get a rental car reservation (if you need it) and assign a driver.
Tournament Captain Responsibilities - TWO WEEKS AWAY from Tournament:
- Submit
- get membership checks for any new Yankee players from Sarah (this takes 1-2 weeks)
- submit the roster on the week of the tournament here (click on the date of the tournament; click on "Modify" to submit the roster; if needed, update the captain's info at the bottom of the form)
- arrange car-pooling (note: directions to the tournament can be found here)
- get phone #s of all players in case of cancellations, delays (or if someone doesn't get out of bed!)
- I am placing envelopes in the locker for the captains to grab before tournaments now that has a list of all the players for that tourny and what each person needs to pay.
- bring 3-4 balls to tournament and returning them before the next practice
- bring uniforms to tournament (note: gym does not open until 9am on Sundays so get them before that morning!!!)
- wash uniforms after tournament and return uniforms to locker - please have just one person take care of this, otherwise uniforms tend to disappear!
- collect $5 from MIT students and $10 from all others; collect $20 dues if a player hasn't paid yet - give $ to Sarah (remind players ahead of time to bring $, since u-grads often seem to come with none!)
- after the tournament, update this page with your team's record and who you played
Save the itemized receipt and give to the Treasurer (SarahLindsey Gilman) for reimbursement. Note that the club generally does not reimburse for gas and tolls, so you may want to ask the team to chip in for those items. You will have to refill the gas tank of the rental car before returning it. Keep in mind that if you use the electronic toll pass provided in the rental car, you might be charged a convenience fee ($2.50 for Avis, free for zipcar), so add this in when you calculate how much you ask your teammates to chip in.