The official ASA postering rules are here.
Making copies
If possible, use colored paper, as it stands out more. Try to pick unusual colors, and if necessary go up another price bracket to get colors that fewer groups use.
- Get there early in the day. The boards are cleared after 10PM and students tend to get up later (after their first 9AM class) so being early means you don't have to work as hard to find a spot. It does mean you have to work harder to keep from getting covered over (see maintenance below).
- If the boards are suspiciously full, come by again the next day to see if they get cleared a day later.
- MIT stuff takes precedence over any commercial posters. I have no qualms postering over ads. If they're offers to employ students, I leave them for a second pass.
- Outdated flyers also go without a second thought.
- Any postering in violation of the rules (multiples for a single event/purpose) are toastedtoast.
- You can poster over outdated or rule-breaking posters (and often should, in order to get a better spot), but don't tear them down (that's against the rules).