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The Shibboleth Apache module logs by default to $prefix/var/log/httpd/native.log and $prefix/var/log/httpd/native_warn.log. This file These files must be writable by Apache, which may require that you set its their directory's ownership and/or permissions to allow write access by the user Apache is configured to run under. You may also Instead of modifying a directory owned by the Apache httpd package, though, you may instead choose to change the location of the file files (for example to the new directory /var/log/shibboleth/-httpd/native.log), by modifying the log4j.appender.native_log.fileName setting and log4j.appender.warn_log.fileName settings in $prefix/etc/shibboleth/native.logger, and appropriately creating the containing directory. The Shibboleth daemon logs to shibd.log and transaction.log in $prefix/var/log/shibboleth/. |