Code Block |
unix> cd $IDL_LOCAL unix> svn export http://www.sdss3.org/svn/repo/idlutils/tags/v5_4_20 idlutils [Downloads idlutils] unix> svn export http://www.sdss3.org/svn/repo/idlspec2d/tags/v5_4_30 idlspec2d [Downloads idlspec2d] [Follow instructions on SDSS3 website for compiling idlutils and idlspec2d] [NOTE: some FIRE users have reported problems compiling idlutils on 64 bit machines. See the top post hereof the known bugs thread for a workaround] unix> svn co https://svn.ucolick.org/xidl/trunk xidl [NOTE: Downloads xidl] unix> svn co svn://pele.mit.edu//FIRE FIRE [Downloads FIRE] unix> setenv FIRE_DIR $IDL_LOCAL/FIREHOSE/ [NOTE: this should probably be put in your .cshrc or .bashrc file] unix> idl |