Sometimes it is more instructive to view a plot of the fit residuals when judging whether to reject a point by hand. To view a residuals plot, type capital 'R' in the 1D fitting window. Zooming and rejection work as before. To change back from residuals mode to the actual fit values, type capital 'V' in the residuals plot window. A view of a residual plot is shown below.
When you are happy with the fit, type 'q' or click 'Done' to return to x_identify. Now, you will see a refreshed plot of the arc trace, but now the x-axis shows wavelengths derived from your fit:
At this point, you may go back and identify more lines by hand and iterate on the 1D fit. With your working model of the wavelength map it is also possible to have the code attempt an auto-id of all lines from the line list, although in our experience this has been spotty. If you are satisfied with the final product type 'q' or click 'Done' to complete the wavelength fit.