July 26, 2011
minutes: Nicole
1. We discussed the process and the problems with things getting stuck at the Full proposal step. Some people who propose ideas (and get them approved) don't have the time or resources to flesh out a full proposal.
We agreed to invite Keith to our next meeting for a discussion of this and to brainstorm about possible solutions. In addition we'll get back to those who have been approved again and see what other help they might need to move things forward.
- Marlene will invite Keith to our next meeting.
- Christine will get in touch with Roshni and Melissa.
- Rich will follow up with Richard Rogers and Tom.
2. We discussed the new proposal from Peter M. (wufoo #245) We agreed to approve it and send to SC for next step.
- Marlene will email Keith to pass it along and also inquire about the last two we sent him.
- Rich will tell Peter that we've passed it to them for approval.
3. Housekeeping items;
- Nicole will merge all minutes into one page of our wiki with the newest items on the top.
Next meeting: August 23, 4 - 5 pm. (at that meeting we'll discuss changing the time slot to something not so late in the day)
June 28, 2011
In attendance: Barbara (recorder), Marlene, Nicole and Rich.