- What type of research is Ben Abrahamse doing that might be related to this proposal?
- Are there libraries out there that have already done this and can be used as a model?
- What is the extent of this effort, in terms of what all is involved?
- What is the connection between the records in Barton and places to display those records?
Dec. 16, 2010
Minutes: Nicole
At today's meeting we agreed that:
- I will have Julia set up two meetings a month through May.
- Nicole will work on an auto reply form for our template thanking people for their submission and saying that we will get back to them within 30 days.
- Nicole will also work on a full template and send us a link when she has something ready.
- I will wordsmith the accompanying text document and send it out when I've finished.
- We agreed we will call them "brief proposal" and "full proposal."
- We agreed we will try out the form (we already began).
- I will send Nicole Keith's documentation and slides.
Nov. 30, 2010
minutes: Christine