- fill out the simple template, get auto-reply
- project review committee (PRC) will review submissions, as needed
- PRC will respond in a timely fashion
- turn down, indicate why
- submit as a recommendation
- ask for more info, clarification
- refer to other options like grant proposal/funding sources, other groups, etc.
- PRC will list status of proposals on wiki for public viewing
November 18, 2010
minutes: Nicole
present: Rich, Christine, Barbara, Nicole, Marlene
1. housekeeping:
- We will rotate minutes alphabetically. Nicole is first.
- Yes, we want a wiki. Nicole agreed to set one up. The wiki will be open for all staff to view. If there are specific pages that needs to be protected for some reason, we can protect just those.
- We have meetings scheduled for Nov. 30 and Dec. 16. We agreed to have Julia find open times for us (2 in Jan. and 2 in Feb.)... rather than having a certain day of the month that we meet.
- Marlene will follow up with Keith to see if he created an email list for us.
- Idea: we send out a welcome email to all-lib after our 2nd or 3rd meeting... just to introduce ourselves and let them know we're working on the templates, etc.
2. Templates (short and long)
- We need to draft the short one first.
- Let's look at Harvard Innovation Labs as an example. (CQ will add link)
- There may also be something we could use in our list of how to submit a beta and how to graduate from beta. ((NH will add link)
Brainstormed ideas for the short template:
- what need or problem does it solve?
- what is the impact?
- description of the service?
- why do this?
- potential stakeholders
- time sensitivity
3. To do
1. Rich agreed to draft the first short template and email the group for discussion.
2. Marlene agreed to draft the first bit of explanatory/introductory text to go with it. And to ask Julia to schedule 2 meetings in Jan and 2 in Feb.
3. Nicole agreed to set up the wiki and enter the minutes.