We are currently working on the release of RAFT II. This is a major release. This checklist tracks is the current release path of RAFT updates to the customer-support and production-operations areas of IS&T. II to the service operations, primarily from the Business Intelligence development team to Customer Support, Training, and Server & System Administration.
- Points of contact and release team defined in Roster.
- Training teams from IS&t and COEUS engaged; Training Plan.
- Critical Path: Need stable test environment.
- Usability team engaged; Usability & Accessibility.
- business-support team engagement, SLA in development: Service Levels Development
- Stakeholder committee schedule in place, core business users signed up for rolling usability-test plan.
- Send announcement and change log to release-core@mit.edu, stakeholder list once release is complete.
- Update any known open issues (Jira, Request Tracker) affected by release and close.
- Search http://ist.mit.eduand
any articles that would be invalidated by release and update as needed. Contact istweb@mit.edu if you are not sure how to update this documentation.