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Thursday 19 May
1.20-1.40 can we move from 1:40 to 1:20? Palani Perumal (palanip@mit.edu)
Tuesday 24 May
10.00-10.20 Rohit Ramaswamy
10.20-10.40 Rohit Ramaswamy
10.40-11.00 Tracy Han
Thursday 26 May
1.00-1.20 Dhaval Adjodah (will come to your office - dhaval@mit.edu)
1.40-2.00 Shahed Al-Haque (Skype/Phone call meeting; phone: 647-274-0140; skypeID: shahedhaque; email: salhaque@mit.edu)
Tuesday 31 May
10.40-11.00 phone call to WB