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Color Scheme
Originally, we were deciding between a light theme and a dark theme for our color scheme. For the heuristic evaluation, we had submitted a protocol where we used a light theme, with an off-white as the main background for our site. However, as we asked more people for their opinion using our first computer protocol, we found that more people preferred the dark theme. It seemed that since more photos tend to be brighter, there was more contrast in our site if we had a dark theme, with a gray as our main background color. This also brings more emphasis and focus to the photos.
For our second computer prototype, we simplified the commenting interface. We had hint text in the comment box that would indicate that comments should be typed there, and we had it so that the submit button would only appear when you clicked in the comment text area. This was so we could have a very minimalistic effect, only having buttons and text when it was necessary to keep things clean.
Scrolling through photos
One feature we implemented is that when you click on the right 70% of the photo, it will go to the next picture. However, if you click on the left 30% of the photo, it will go to the previous photo. We thought this would make it easier to scroll since people do not always click directly on the arrow. We also figured people would be more likely to want to go forward, which is why we came up with the 30-70 division.
Sharing Groups