In terms of milestones, we never really took the time to concentrate of some aspects of usability. We still don't have 100% functionality for our app, so we haven't really had the time to figure out some usability decisions. In particular, the client-server communication took longer than expected, since it was annoying and we didn't really want to do it. Also, some cool usability aspects we envisioned required too much graphical design, and we didn't have the time or expertise to do it. For our front end painting, we just drew lines, boxes, ovals, and preloaded images. The painting also seemed pretty inefficient, but I guess it turned out fast enough in the end. There isn't really any noticeable lagtime in our program.
I think we prototyped the right part of our app, specifically, the click-based interactions in our interface. We had to make some key changes early in our design process, and it probably saved us a lot of effort to make the changes early.
One problem our prototypes failed to capture is the lack of screen size in our program. There just is not enough room on the screen to manipulate the cards. In reality, the computer screen is a lot smaller than a table surface, so we have to do something to account for this different if we want to simulate actual cards. We did not think this would matter as much as it does, and now we still don't really have a good solution for this problem.
All in all, this was a fun project. I'll keep working on it, since it's not really usable yet. Maybe I'll need to do some more user tests before it ends up actually being usable.
Victor's reflection
Basically, throughout the process of doing this project, I realized that I like dick.