- Subject don’t initially realize they must edit courses using the sidebar (Visibility and Efficiency) - We’d added the color-changing sidebar based on earlier feedback, but that didn’t seem to help enough. This ties into the fact that people REALLY want to be able to directly edit the courses on the boxes. This was a feature we’d planned to implement if there were more time.
- How to edit new courses isn’t obvious (Visibility) - New courses are white, so if nothing is selected, the sidebar doesn’t change to indicate something new was selected. This would be simple to fix by choosing another color for new courses.
- Tooltips for errors are not obvious (Learnability) - Even with the info screen explaining the tooltips, subjects had a hard time figuring out how to find out what errors meant. Need a better method for explaining errors. (*see below)
- More course info should be explained on the boxes. (Visibility) Adding ‘semester offered’ is probably most critical.
- Subjects didn’t realize they could type in the autocomplete box (Visibility) Affordances could be improved, maybe by providing a blinking cursor when the box is selected.
- Initial course schedule is confusing. (Learnability) - This should probably be explained in the opening info screen as an example for their selected major. Also, when students don’t put all the classes on the schedule themselves, they aren’t aware of what already exists.
- No Undo (Error Prevention) - This only comes up occasionally, but might be useful.
- Warnings don’t occur when a course is added to the schedule twice. (Visibility) - This was a planned feature that we ran out of time to implement.
- The meaning of the AP credit column is unclear. (Learnability) - This could be explained at the start. It could also show up in an explanation of what GIRs are missing (*see below)
- Entering grades is tedious (Efficiency) - We could set up a separate interface to enter all the grades for a semester at once, for instance.