In the paper prototype phase, we focused on testing the grading interface. We had two iterations. The first one only displays students whose grades have been entered. Whenever a new grade is entered, a new row with a blank name box will appear at the bottom of the page. The second iteration displays all names in a table. Our final design follows the second iteration, since it is more visible..
- Auto-filter name search results
From the paper prototyping, we got the feedback from the TA - "make sure your name searching box does incremental search, which every keystroke of name letters will filter out the name lists." We took the advice, and made the response more instantaneous, and the status of the system more visible.
- Auto-save grades
We decided to make the system auto-save the grades, since it can prevent errors and save time of hitting an extra key for TAs. However, during the second iteration of the paper prototyping, a very common question from users is where to save grades. In our final version, whenever users finish entering a grade (either by hitting tab or clicking somewhere else on the page), a small saving icon would appear behind the grade box for couple seconds. To prevent errors, if users enter something invalid, such as letters, the system would not save the input.