Lastly, we made some cosmetic changes to the splash image to reduce its look as a button. Some users tried to click on the splash image, for no reason but that they wanted more interaction. Because each image has a border around it, it gives it the slight affordance that makes it look like a button. Thus, we removed this border to make them look more like pure images.
We appreciate you taking the time to partake in our evaluation. Our website is called RemotePlaylist and it enables users to upload, download, and browse music that are being played at variety of different venues. As a partygoer, you can search for an existing party or you may create a party of your own. As the website states, “RemotePlaylist is a social music recommendation engine that lets you request your favorite songs before going to the actual party. That way, you know you're going to have a good night before even leaving the door.”
7. Rate a song using likes or dislikes
8. Log out
The users came up with several
User Testing - Usability Problems
User 1
Problem 1Task 1: One user noted that while the buttons on the front page add to the aesthetic value of the front page, he was tempted to click on them.
Given their size and contrast to the background, it is conceivable that they give off the affordance of a button. Nonetheless, this was a tradeoff that we were willing to make because the icons are able to succinctly describe verbally and visually the function of the website. (Minor, button affordances)
Task Problem 2: There currently does not exist a discernable ordering of parties.
This will require figuring out a way to incorporate likes/dislikes into the position in which the parties are ordered. (Major, Flexibility and efficiency)
Problem 3: There isn’t an option to perform an advanced search.
To correct this issue, we will have to find matches from in the database for a specific set of fields that the user would like to search for : (i.e. DJ Zeus, City: New York or Boston) (Minor, User Control and Freedom)
User 2
Problem 1: Task 3: There currently does not exist a method through which users can browse parties according to specific fields: time, date, location, party playlist rating
One possible solution is to incorporate a tab that allows the user to reorder parties by different fields, in a manner similar to Itunes, which allows users to order music through song title, artists, and length. This can be done by drawing information from the database to create a dynamic view of partylists. (Major, Flexibility and efficiency)
Task 4. There isn’t an option to perform Problem 2: User also reiterated the importance of an advanced search.
To correct this issue, we will have to find matches from in the database for a specific set of fields that the user would like to search for : (i.e. DJ Zeus, City: New York or Boston) (Minor, User Control and Freedom)
As he stated, "I would like to be able to restrict my search results to a specific t ype of party at specific date, and a specific city.
Problem 3Task 5: When uploading a song, the program does not check for duplicates.
In order to prevent duplicate songs, we will need to match check songs that and double check that there aren’t any songs with the exact entries for the following fields: song/title, file size, track length. (Minor, Error Prevention)
User 3
Problem 1Task 6: Should place the search bar at the top, even before the three icons, as it is considered to be the most important aspect of the main page (Minor, Efficiency, Visibility)
Task 7Problem 2: After the search has been populated, the main focus should be on the playlist.