Describe how you found your users and how representative they are of your target user population (but don't identify your users by name).
User 1: College senior. Currently lives in a dorm, but plans to move to an off-campus apartment with a group of friends in the fall.
HouseBill is a bill organization system for people living in a group setting. It lets everyone within a household see how much they owe, and when it is due. This makes paying bills more transparent, because you can see exactly where your money is going, and you can plan accordingly. It also allows the everyone to help handle the "treasury" duties of the household so the entire responsibility does not fall upon one person.
List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them.
User 1:
Generally had no problem with performing the tasks, but did not find the purpose of the timeline intuitive; thought that it should have been incorporated into the View Bills page. Misinterpreted the function of the "Pay All Bills" button when attempting to pay bills due in the next two weeks. Wanted more information from the calendar (such as number of bills or amount of money due on a certain day). Had a lot of suggestions for desired features:
- ability to lend money to cover another user's share of the bill
- ability to sort bills by date or amount
- flag to indicate which bills are most critical (such as rent, as opposed to, say, magazine subscriptions)
- shortcuts to add bills that have to be paid on a regular basis
Discuss what you learned over the course of the iterative design process. If you did it again, what would you do differently? Focus in this part not on the specific design decisions of your project (which you already discussed in the Design section), but instead on the meta-level decisions about your design process: your risk assessments, your decisions about what features to prototype and which prototype techniques to use, and how you evaluated the results of your observations.