Currently, photos are reordered linearly on our site. Each row of photos wraps around to the next row, and so moving a photo just pushes the other photos up linearly. However, our original plan was to allow users to reorder photos in 2 dimensions, specifying where they wanted it in space. When we began our implementation, we realized that this would be very complicated because we would have to deal with edge cases, considerations when there was a blank area, where we would put photos if a new upload was taking place, etc. It seemed like it would be sufficient, cleaner, and much easier for the linear implementation we ended up with.
With our initial computer prototype, we had high fidelity with the look of our website. We realized that we should have focused more on testing functionality than aesthetics for our site. Getting general layout and spacing of the website was useful, but we found that fine aesthetics such as colors, effects, pixels, etc. should not have been tested at such an early stage because they were easily altered. Thus, if we could do it again, we would have focused on having higher fidelity with functionality and lower fidelity with look and feel because we found that changing the look was a lot easier than working out issues with our functionality.
Alternatively, a positive reflection we have was that deciding on our main users and the main use cases for our site very early on were extremely helpful when it came to determining which features were most important to implement, which ones could be removed, and which ones could be simplified. For example, user access control such as who can add and delete photos was a planned feature, but we soon realized that this was low priority in our primary use case of allowing photos to be shared among friends.