Our solution to this problem would thus be to adapt a label which has better infromation scent, and describes what clicking the button actually does (for example, "Allow all words below to be displayed in sentences", or perhaps a less verbose version of this), rather than requiring the users to figure out that the button manipulates the checkboxes, and then read the labels for the checkboxes below, before they can determine what the button actually does. We should also remove the "Sort by" buttons for the vocabulary - the buttons conflict with our goal of simplicity on the left sidebar, and they are only useful if the user already knows what word that he's searching for is, but in this case it would be more efficient for the user to simply type the word in to locate it via the incremental search functionality.
Ctrl-F is inconsistent with what browsers dousual browser search functionality
As seen with User 2 on Task 3, our interface is inconsistent with the usual browser search functionality. This is of course an artifact of our decision to implement it in Silverlight rather than HTML. Although we can't have the browser search functionality work as expected without rewriting the interface, we could intercept the Ctrl-F shortcut and have it focus the search box, as searching for words is the most likely reason why the user would press Ctrl-F on the interface.