There are three functions of this page: read the user's account of their time at the company, view the score review and send a comment question to the user.The first two tasks are fairly simple and use the scoring iconography and plain text to convey the knowledge
We attempted to humanize our application on this page because elsewhere there is not any real-time interaction between users because we do not want busy MIT students or alumni spending outrageous amounts of time on our application. We tried to do this by giving a conversational sentence to when the user worked at the positon the way a common friend would describe it. Further this sentence increases the visibility of the important information of what year in their MIT career they worked there and whether it was an internship, part-time or full-time.
The second task of contacting a user we decided to only provide a the poster's email. This is primarily for two reasons. First it maintains the minimalism of our site as recreating the inbox is not something that provides much functionality over email. Additionally, if you graduated you will probably not be visiting Jobious as often as the undergraduate body so you are unlikely to check your messages on Jobious(and we hate the 'You have a message!' emails) but you will likely check your email inbox multiple times a day. Secondarily, this site is designed to be closed to MIT students and alumni. When looking for information about a position while in the job hunt you may also be trying to solicit contacts within the company from the reviewer, in which case having a known working email to forward is far more valuable than a closed system.
Severity | Task | Description of Problem | Times Encountered | Possible Solution(s) | ||
Catastrophic | 2 | User was unsure about the level of encapsulation of the results. He wanted them to be aggregates and clicked on the returned result expecting to be taken to a list of reviews | ||||
Catastrophic | 3 | User was uncertain of whether 1 or 5 was a better review | 2 | Our paper prototyping model has this right. Our last version should have included the same icon language as the rest of the site in the same fashion as in the paper prototype. | ||
Major | 1 | User believed that the recommended reviews were aggregates for a position rather than an individual review. | 2 | List the name of the user that wrote the review to reinforce that one individual created this | 2 | Aggregate the reviews for the same company together and make an intermediary page showing all reviews for that company. |
Major | 4 | User was unclear what was returned by search for term "John Curtice" | 2 | List users in separate return area on the search screen | ||
Major | 6 | Users searched for the words "a lot" | 2 | Give sort-by controls to results rather than "best matching" result returns. | ||
Major | 6 | User looked for sort-results-by button. Did not find it and gave up on the task | 3 | We already have ordering and filtering capability built in, just put the fields to order by at the top of the search results. | ||
Minor | 1 | "Does the star do anything else?"(User expected additional functionality based on the size of the star) | 1 | Make the star smaller or display some information within the star such as the total number of people that have favorited the review. | ||
Minor | 2 | Grammatically incorrect sentence describing when a user was employed at the job | 2 | We would make a grammatically correct sentence for each possible output. There are only on hte order of 15 so it would not be difficult. | ||
Minor | 3 | User misspelled Microsoft and did not catch it before submitting | 1 | Autocomplete based on company name | ||
Minor | 3 | User could not remember exact position title | 2 | Autocomplete the position field | ||
Minor | 5 | The user was distressed that clicking on the star didn't make it immediately disappear from the favorites page as it is no longer marked as a favorite. | 1 | Fire an AJAX reques to remove the div element from the page | ||
Cosmetic | 2 | Icon rankings are not consistently spaced | 3 | Vertically align these with consistent width icons to the side. | ||
Cosmetic | 4 | User looked to pagination for how many results retuned but only found number of pages | 1 | Display the number of results as an integer in addition to the number of pages |