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Comment: final polish


After GR4, we basically scrapped our entire codebase and decided to start fresh. Our largest concerns in the site redesign were consistency in browsing behavior, clear and emblematic icons, calling out the major behaviors available to users and minimalism(both usertime spent on site and design).

Page layout

The image above shows a typical view of the main homepagepage in Jobious. The layout has three main components to it(starting at the top of the page): the account/search bar(red), the navigation pane(blue)and the content pane(green). The former two are reused on every page of the site and the content pane changes according to where you are currently located on the site.

The account/search bar and navigation pane are shared with all pages on the site o every page and the content pane 's contents change changes depending on the part of the site you are currently accessing.


As pointed out in our early computer prototype, it made more sense to have an always-present search bar affordance in a consistent location. We attempted to be consistent with the placement of the search bar with other websites and placed this in the upper right of our application.


We chose not to allow for autocomplete in our search bar despite our TA's suggestion for it. This decision was made because we perform full-text search over everything in our website and it was not clear whether populating a person's name in autocomplete would result in a link to the person's profile(Facebook-esque) or to their reviews. While it may have been a nice function to have, it seemed to violate our simplicity policy and so we avoided it.

Navigation Pane

The navigation pane was created in response to our prototype testing and heuristic evaluation reports that we needed to callout the major functions of our site more. We made decided that the primary functions of our site were to cataloging favorite reviews, View Suggested Reviews, Alter your Reviews and Post Reviews. Contacting a user for additional information fell out of browsing through reviews and so was removed from this part of the interface.

The links themselves have a hover attribute so you know they are more than just text. Further when you click on them in addition to redirecting they clicked on one becomes highlighted with the same tone as the hover color to give additional visibility to where the user is located.

We chose this model over a side-hovering tab as we proposed in the paper prototyping model because users thought that it didn't call enough attention to itself nor that it promoted the behaviors the actions that we wanted users to perform(search, post, favorite, contact).

Content Pane

The content pane is the primary location of information put on the site. It's contents vary depending on the page being viewed. Specific features are listed in Pages


In an attempt at error prevention unfavoriting unfavorite-ing a review does not immediately remove it from the page as the icon is large and it is possible to errantly click on it. Instead the gold favorite icon goes to gray. Then when the user leaves the page and comes back it is no longer shown. This way there is still a visual feedback that you have changed the state of the review while also provide for user error.

My Reviews

This page lists all of the reviews that the logged in user has added to the site following in the format of the Recommended page. The link from each of these takes the user to the View Review page where they may modify their responses as they are the original poster.

Post Review

Image Removed
Posting a review is a simple form that uses widgets that are common to the web.

We chose to do a side-by-side data entry method because comments during computer prototyping were that we had too much white space that did not serve a purpose.

Stylistically similar to the

View Review

There are three functions of this page: read the user's account of their time at the company, view the score and send a comment to the user.


The second task of contacting a user we decided to only provide a the poster's email. This is primarily for two reasons. First it maintains the minimalism of our site as recreating the inbox is not something that provides much functionality over email. Additionally, if you graduated you will probably not be visiting Jobious as often as the undergraduate body so you are unlikely to check your messages on Jobious(and we hate the 'You have a message!' emails) but you will likely check your email inbox multiple times a day. Secondarily, this site is designed to be closed to MIT students and alumni. When looking for information about a position while in the job hunt you may also be trying to solicit contacts within the company from the reviewer, in which case having a known working email to forward is far more valuable than a closed system.

Image Added
Image Added
Image Added
Image Added
These are the icons we chose to represent our user's ratings of overall, pay, hours and difficulty respectively. We decided that the most relevant reports should be colors that followed the theme of our site (the colors of Curious George: yellow, green, brown) as opposed to the more traditional grey tones because the rest of our site had so much white and grey already that we wanted to make these pop out.

We did not think difficulty was as significant as the others(hence the less dramatic color) because we saw the greatest variance in reporting how difficult a position was because it meant a variety of things to users. Perhaps better labeling of what we were trying to measure would have improved results, but we found it hard to say what was difficult so we left it up to users to decide and clarify in their comments.

The fields are editable affords editing when the entry is viewed by the original poster. This is in case a review was filed in haste after a bad day at the office and later the user regrets their review.

Create Review

Image Added
Posting a review is a simple form that uses widgets that are common to the web. In retrospect we should have used a clickable bar graph of the icons(shown below) but time was a factor and this did not make it. As it turns out this causes catastrophic problems so we misallocated our resources.

We chose to do a side-by-side data entry method because comments during computer prototyping were that we had too much white space that did not serve a purpose.

Registration and Account Updating


List the name of the user that wrote the review to reinforce that one individual created this We already have ordering and filtering capability built in, just put the fields to order by at the top of the search results



Description of Problem

Times Encountered

Possible Solution(s)



"Does the star do anything else?"(User expected additional functionality based on the size of the star)


Make the star smaller or display some information within the star such as the total number of people that have favorited the review.



User believed that the recommended reviews were aggregates for a position rather than an individual review.




User was unsure about the level of encapsulation of the results. He wanted them to be aggregates and clicked on the returned result expecting to be taken to a list of reviews 2

Aggregate the reviews for the same company together and make an intermediary page showing all reviews for that company.



Icon rankings are not consistently spaced


Vertically align these with consistent width icons to the side.



User was uncertain of whether 1 or 5 was a better review


Our paper prototyping model has this right. Our last version should have included the same icon language as the rest of the site in the same fashion as in the paper prototype.

Minor Major


User misspelled Microsoft and did not catch it before submitting


Autocomplete based on company name


User believed that the recommended reviews were aggregates for a position rather than an individual review.


List the name of the user that wrote the review to reinforce that one individual created this


Aggregate the reviews for the same company together and make an intermediary page showing all reviews for that company.



User could not remember exact position title


Autocomplete the position field



User was unclear what was returned by search for term "John Curtice"


List users in separate return area on the search screen



Users searched for the words "a lot"


Give sort-by controls to results rather than "best matching" result returns.





User looked to pagination for how many results retuned but only found number of pages sort-results-by button. Did not find it and gave up on the task


We already have ordering and filtering capability built in, just put the fields to order by at the top of the search results.



"Does the star do anything else?"(User expected additional functionality based on the size of the star)


Make the star smaller or display some information within the star such as the total number of people that have favorited the review.



Grammatically incorrect sentence describing when a user was employed at the job


We would



User misspelled Microsoft and did not catch it before submitting


Autocomplete based on company name



User could not remember exact position title


Autocomplete the position field


Display the number of results as an integer in addition to the number of pages



The user was distressed that clicking on the star didn't make it immediately disappear from the favorites page as it is no longer marked as a favorite.


Fire an AJAX reques to remove the div element from the page

Major Cosmetic


Users searched for the words "a lot"


Give sort-by controls to results rather than "best matching" result returns.



User looked for sort-results-by button. Did not find it and gave up on the task



Icon rankings are not consistently spaced


Vertically align these with consistent width icons to the side.



User looked to pagination for how many results retuned but only found number of pages


Display the number of results as an integer in addition to the number of pages

We have a lot of major usability problems, several that we did not have previously. We should have foreseen some of them, or at least the magnitude of problem that they would have caused. Our risk of minimalism clearly didn't pay off(at least our implementation of it) and this was the source of many of our problems. The reflections section will cover how we would have avoided the more meta problems if we were to do it again.


Easy in paper prototype does not mean easy in code


Perhaps the largest failure that we had was using the waterfall approach to design as opposed to spiral model. Even though we did have several iterations of prototypes, with each one we made some rather sweeping changes that were inferred to be better based on user feedback from the previous test. Unfortunately some of these decisions were headed just in a different direction rather than the right one and we would have noticed this if we had spent the time . We should have then gone and prototyped those and tested them before deciding that was the right way.


We had a very basic working version in a different language early in the process but we then decided to scrap that code and start afresh with something we thought would work better. While it did make it easier to do many things(particularly database queries), unfortunately none of us was as well versed in it as we hoped. This lead to a us often scratching our heads as to how to do something in with Django when we could have written the script ourselves and moved on, though it would not have been as maintainable. Thus for the scope of our project it wouldn't have mattered.