Describe how you found your users and how representative they are of your target user population (but don't identify your users by name).
Scenario Tasks
Add music to library
Make a playlist
Usability Problems
List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them.
Many users identified problems with drag and drop functionality with multiple items(Minor). Swing's interface for this is somewhat less than intuitive, and more time could have been spent here. Also, users would have liked to preview music directly from this application(Major). Users also felt it was awkward to give a URL directly out to friends, one user recommended using a QR code.
Discuss what you learned over the course of the iterative design process. If you did it again, what would you do differently? Focus in this part not on the specific design decisions of your project (which you already discussed in the Design section), but instead on the meta-level decisions about your design process: your risk assessments, your decisions about what features to prototype and which prototype techniques to use, and how you evaluated the results of your observations.