Our final design was very tailored towards an Android platform and therefore it relys heavily on the 'back' button. We decided not to visualize a back button for most pages, instead relying on the back button on the standard Android phone interface. This design decision cannot be made for an iOS implementation and has also caused some learnability difficulties for users who are used to other phone platforms.
Following below are screenshots of the final design:
As discussed below, the TrackIt interface is implemented using the Android platform. Based on the style of Android programming, the views and functionality are separated into their own files. Each screen in our interface occupies its own file, and we made use of some custom classes to handle distinct database and process capabilities. We relied on Android 2.3 (platform level 9) for the final version of our interface and consistently tested the app on this version. For the back end, we took advantage on Android's native support for SQLite and did not have to install a third-party database system on top of our app or use text files to store relevant information. Since our Our visual affordances focused on simplicity , we heavily emphasized functionality, to make sure that our app could perform the necessary tasks that we had originally planned from the paper prototypingand functionality rather than complexity.
In some cases we ran into implementation challenges, as the standard Android widgets and menus did not always match the ones we designed in the paper prototyping phase. As a result, parts of the interface, such as the date and time picker and the drop-down menu appears different on the application than in the paper prototype.