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This issue did not affect their ability to figure out what the buttons were for, so it was deemed cosmetic. To alleviate this issue, we could have affordances for those buttons other than a ' + '  and ' - '. For example, the button for adding a group could read ' + Group ' instead of just ' + '. 

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{html}2. <B>Minor (visibility)</B>: One user initially thought the status text field was for searching. {html}


                       Room for a "Status" label on the left

Wiki Markup

3. Major(visibility): Managing friends and hiding / un-hiding from a friend is delayed with no feedback.


Our users all simply typed in the given username and password and hit enter. Our application allows this and will default the user's mood to "Adventurous" if they do not pick one. Upon being told how the login was intended to work, one user replied that she would have never thought that those icons had a purpose other than decoration.  state possible solutionWhen mousing over the icons, the mouse changes from an arrow to a hand, indicating that these icons ca be clicked on and have a purpose, however this is only beneficial if the user never even thinks to mouseover the icons. Image Added   It is possible here to see the mood icons as decoration, as opposed to functioning buttons

A possible solution could be to leave things as is, because if the user does not select a mood upon login, they can change their mood afterwards in the status bar. Another option would be to disable the fact that clicking "Enter" will log a user in, and instead require that a mood icon be clicked on. In this case, if the user does hit "Enter" to try and login, the mood icons could be highlighted to show the user they must choose one to login. 

Wiki Markup

2Minor (learnability): When tasked with hiding from a friend, all three users initially clicked in the hiding from area, two of them specifically attempting to click within the placeholder.
