In our project we created an Android application called Robo-Monitor. Android applications consist of a number of activities, where each activity has its own GUI. The Robo-monitor consists of 3 activities:
TODO graph labels size
We tested our interface with 3 robotics researches from MIT. All of them were possessed Android phones. We think this is important, so that they are familiar with Android's app conventions (such as using the menu button to explore what you can do).
Since the users have the background knowledge that channels are dependent on the robot, and since we had fake data we had the following briefing:
"We have built an interface for visualization of LCM streaming data. We support only few types of channel data structures: those, which have only one layer of sub-components which take float values. Try using the app in order to explore the data stream."
We didn't create very specific tasks - instead we wanted to see which parts of the app the users will discover and depending on that we gave them few high-level directions (in case they didn't try it on their own):
- Use the stars.
- Explore a channel.
- Get multiple graphs to show.