The Users table is used to hold all of the information pertaining to individual users, and their accounts. This table contains the following columns: username, password, household, and id. The idea here is that each user has a unique account, and users are grouped together into households. The Households table only contains an id column and a column titled 'household' that is a string of the household's name. Each bill in the Bills table has an id, name, due_date, creator_id, which is household, total_amount, category, and paid_all. The creator_id field holds the id of the user that created the bill, household, total_amount, category, and . The last column, paid_all, the last of which tells is used to tell if all of the users on a particular bill have paid their share. In addition, there There is also a table called User_Bills that connects Bills to Users. This last table is necessary because the relationship between Users and Bills is many-to-many.