Our user interface uses Silverlight and C# code. The interface is resizable. The interface is split into two main sidebars: left and right. Both side bars have their own .XAML file and .XAML.CS file. The Silverlight SDK provides all the widgets used in the interface. One problem that we had to circumvent was the long draw time of the word search in the left side bar. In spite of the clipping stage of the renderer, due to the shear volume of off-canvas things that needed to be drawn, the GUI would block for long periods of time. We had to implement an algorithm that reduced the amount of processing of off-screen clipping.
The backend server is written using python scriptsASP.NET scripts which communicate with a MySQL database instance. Initially, our original computer prototype had no back end, so we could not support user accounts. However this did not pose a problem for most of the functionality of the user interface.