Figure 4: Following job posts
To create a post, the user can click on the "Create Post" button. We decided to put a button to “Create Post”, which is visible throughout every tab, as opposed to being able to create posts only through the “My Posts” tab. We did this to increase the learnability, efficiency and visibility of a critical task of the system: users being able to create posts. On clicking this button, an overlay form is displayed for users to create posts (Figure 5). Another issue that our TA brought up in his evaluation of the computer prototype was that in the "create post" view, the "Create" button is blocked from view (you need to scroll to see it). We addressed this issue, and ensured that this button was visible when the pop-up form was displayed.
When creating a post the user can change the Title, the Job Type, Course(s), the Job Group, Skills, Location, Date and Application Instructions. If the user decides, that he/she doesn’t want to create a post, he/she can simply close the overlaid box. If the user presses the "Create" button, the post will be saved, and the form closed. The user can see the updated changes in the "My Posts" tab and in the "Browse" tab.
The location form has an auto-completion property, which prevents the user from committing mistakes when filling this form. The date form when clicked shows a box with a calendar where the user can choose the date easily. These two features were added for error handling and for efficiency.
Figure 5: Creating a post
In the "My Posts" tab, the user can see the posts he/she follows, and also the posts he/she has created. He can unfollow posts, message creators of the posts he is following, or message the followers of posts he/she has created. This tab is illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6: My Posts tab