Our application is Wishdex.com, a site that helps you keep wishlists. You can keep track of items you find online, show your friends and family gifts you want for Christmas or your birthday, and see what your friends are interested in or check out popular items on the site. We're doing this test to get some feedback on how well we've designed the user interface. There are probably a lot of problems with the design, and we need help finding them. Keep in mind that we're testing the computer system, not you. Also, the results of this test will be kept completely confidential, and you can stop and leave the test at any time. My name is Susie, and I'll be reading out the tasks we want you to perform. This is Emily, and she'll be taking some notes to help us remember the problems we find.
- Log in
- Managing
- Create a new wishdex called "Birthday Wishlist"
- Add new item from Anthropologie.com to this wishdex
- After adding the item, change the item description
- Create another wishdex "Christmas" and move this item to the 2nd wishdex
- Share "Christmas" with your mom
- After some thought, you decided to buy this item on Anthropologie.com. You still want to keep the item on your wishdex, though, but you want to mark that you've acquired it.
- Delete an item
- Exploring
- Browse popular wishdexes on the Popular page
- Check out the recent activity
- Friends
- Find Emily's wishdex, "Cool Patterns"
- Like one of the dresses in her Wishdex
- You want to buy this item for her, so claim the item and view the item on the Anthropologie.com website
- Copy an item that you like into your own "Birthday Wishlist" wishdex
Describe tasks they performed; if you did a demo for them as part of your briefing, justify that decision.These may be the same ones that you used in paper prototyping, but you may need to improve them based on feedback from the paper prototyping.
Collect the usability problems found by your user tests into a list. Assign each problem a severity rating (cosmetic, minor, major, catastrophic), and brainstorm possible solutions for the problems.