UPCOMING Upcoming games are displayed using the same game box structure as in the main page. Game history for past games also uses the box structure.
We conducted our user test on three basketball players who regularly play pick-up games at MIT. They represent three different skill levels and are from diverse subsets of the MIT community. Our users all volunteered to participate in our evaluation. They were briefed with an overview of PickFind and then were presented with a series of tasks to accomplish. We chose not to include a demo so that we would be able to test the initial learnability of our interface. Response was generally positive, and users were curious to see how PickFind would work.
"Thank you for agreeing to test out our 6.813 project, PickFind. Your feedback and our observations will be vitally useful to our design process. PickFind is a website designed to facilitate the process of finding pick-up basketball games to participate in. As things currently stand, pick-up games are not guaranteed. People may show up at a court looking to participate in a game, but there might not be anyone else there. If there are other players, there is no guarantee that they will be of similar skill level, or even that they are interested in participating. By creating a system that organizes the creation, and joining of pick-up games in a community, we hope to bring people together to make more enjoyable games occur more often. We will now ask you to complete a series of tasks that cover the breadth of functionality of our website. Do your best with each task, but there are no wrong answers. Please feel free to ask us questions, but we will only answer ones that help clarify the tasks at hand. If you're ready, we'll get started now."
- Login to PickFind. Register for a new account if you need one.
- Create a game for others to participate in.
- Filter available games to find one that meets your criteria.
- Join or Watch a few games that you would like to participate in.
- Leave or Stop Watching some games that you are no longer interested in.
- View/Edit your profile.
- Search for the user named tonystark.
- Follow tonystark and then follow some of the people he follows.
- View the details of a game on your Schedule.
- Logout of PickFind.
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