To add a new ride to the listing, a user can fill out the 'post a ride' form, shown above. We use the icons that are consistent with the rest of the site and try to use form elements that are as easy as possible and restrict the user to only valid inputs (like the calendar widget for date, the drop down lists for time, and the radio buttons for vehicle). The style of the form is familiar to most users and very easy to use. When a ride is posted, the user is taken to the 'all rides' tab and receives a confirmation message that the ride has been posted.
Our interface front end was implemented using a combination of JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, and CSS. We decided to use a separate CSS stylesheet and incorporated aspects of the JQuery-UI module, such as for out-of-the-box widgets like the date picker, time slider, and autocomplete. We tried to make our website have a Web 2.0 look-n-feel; we utilized rounded corners for all boxes, and made every search field use AJAX to filter the matching rides in real time. We also decided to include a throbber to signal to the user that a request was being processed. Additionally, we decided to implement login as a necessary component to access the website, which meant that we could use MIT certificates to facilitate login and not require a user to enter information or click a login box to enter the website's functionality.