Ride listings are laid out as shown above, with an icon to indicate category, a bolded origin and destination, and color-coded date and time information. Rides are laid out to convey the information as clearly as possible, using different visual variables to distinguish between fields. Using the different colored icons helps users locate rides of different categories more easily. The most important information, origin and destination, is the largest and darkest text so that the user will see that first. These decisions were made after we created out first computer prototype and received feedback on it; the ride listings didn't use the available space well and it was difficult to find the information needed. This version is a big improvement in both design and visibility.
Note that, if If a ride belongs to a user, an 'X' is added in the top right corner so that the post can be removed (all of a user's rides can be found by clicking the 'your rides' tab).
Each ride also has a 'share via email' and 'join ride' (if the ride belongs to someone else) link. When clicked, the above dialog pops up so that the user can contact the poster or share the ride with friends.
To add a new ride to the listing, a user can fill out the 'post a ride' form, shown above.