- Validation Tests: 5-10 tests just for the support desk to verify that the RAFT system is basically working. This might require test Cost Objects or other data.
- Browser Compatibility: Spot checks to see if a new browser works with Ajax code.
- Access/Authorization functionality: SAP Data vs. RAFT data vs COUES (WBS) data.
- Automated middleware validation/web page to be development by BI team.
- Delineation of system-of-record questions to answer user questions for what is coming from where.
- Escalation to Primary Authorizer where end user expects to see a CO but does not.
- Escalation to Primary Authorizer where end user expects to see personnel data but does not.
- Escalation to Accounts where RAFT roles (functions and qualifiers) can be adjusted to fix access problems.
- Escalation to COUES for WBS not showing up.
Other Follow-Ons
- Test BI requirement that a report can be run against RT that does not count incidents duplicated through escalation.