|| Collection || Total Items in Collection || Items Downloaded || Items Viewed ||
| Reports to the President | 123 | 95 | 273 |
| David Taylor Model Basin Reports | 954 | 432 | 823 |
| Communication Forum Transcripts | 136 | 18 | 39 |
| Perceptual Form of the City | 2194 | 436 | 979 |
| Landslides Aerial Photography | 1,969 | 143 | 318 |
| Aga Khan Visual Archive | 12,502 | 782 | 1,510 |
| RVC General | 34,505 | 1,619 | 3,955 |
| Atlas of the City of Boston | 22 | 22 | 133 |
| Hyderabad | 250 | 118 | 244 |
| Total | 54,374 | 3,894 | 8,620 |
----Older StatisticsÂ
* Currently items added to DSpace@MIT total 2,580 working papers and reports.
* Items to be added to DSpace@MIT by end of fiscal year total 6,681 working papers and reports.
* Currently items added to DOME include 5,036 items (does not include the Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts Collection)
* Items to be added to DOME by end of fiscal year total approximately 7,000 items to include images, journals, research notebooks and technical reports* DOME has 38,316 items
* Contributed 2,209 books to the Internet Archive
* As of January 1, 2010 there were 249,110 total downloads of the items in the Internet Archive
* Ranked 6th out of 23 contributing BLC institutions in contribution to the Internet Archive
* 13,352 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts since July '08
* 10,360 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts fiscal year '08-'09
* 2,992 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts since July '09 to present