- Prepare Patron for a Day information for meeting with ID&LA Leads - meeting on Jan. 27th (Thursday).
- think about how this information is best presented now and in the future to others
- Draft Observational study -- three parts
- ethnographic interviews (scheduled)
- observational studies
- lobby interviews (questionnaire or $100 test?)
- or do we distribute these around? how so? liaisons - leave in the space?
- some hook is needed to get people to participate - entered into a drawing
- or do we distribute these around? how so? liaisons - leave in the space?
Secondary priorities:
1. Ethnographic Space Study
- complete study -- flip chart part still going on
- look at questions - decide on next question (too similar to first?)
- decide how comments will be inputted/recorded/etc.
- set up structure for data analysis
- continue working with Joanne to get budget numbers re: study - what did we spend
- assessment measures for Lisa
- keep in mind we'll need to present this eventually
2. Digital Scholarship study
- read over wiki to get a clue about what i am doing
- read article
- work with anne to schedule first interview -- who does what?
3. Big Sign Group
- write up findings - send to BS group for input -bring to PSUX meeting on the 13th or next one...
- check in with SOT sign group
4. QR codes
- working with Music Library on QR beta for American Song database
- planning brown bag with Remlee to introduce/teach QR codes to staff
- create a qr code sign for Ask Us & Tell Us -- work with Heather and Ann
- think about structure of group - what works, what doesn't -think about gaps in physical space support - determine ways this could get better
- possible solution: a group charged out of PSUX or SOT -- Five members - one for each location plus leader (SH)
- members would oversee a space - look at the daily aesthetic issues that may come up. care and feeding at a higher level then basic maintenance -- keeping the space look fresh now that "ownership" of each space is vague with reorg. examples such as media room chairs, sliding glenvelops, stuff under rotch stairwell, rotch computer area seeming blah
- members would report issues to ? -- work with IDLA admin? - or admin assigned to a space? but admins aren't really tied to spaces?
- members could/would report back to SOT or PSUX?
- membership would rotate -- one and two years - assigned randomly? (so we don't start over each time?)
- possible solution: a group charged out of PSUX or SOT -- Five members - one for each location plus leader (SH)
There is a space gap.
- PSUX -- strategy -- membership could be smaller. More strategic thinking -- more reporting back to SOT instead of so much duplicate membership. Nicole, Stephanie, Keith, CQ/Cassandra, Millicent, ?
- SOT -- does far more than space -- they take care of space needs as they come up - but don't proactively look for them -- new group would New group -- do most of our work over email? meet monthly - quarterly? Must define support structure and buy-in with other groups. If members of this group identify a problem - it should be handled swiftly. People living in spaces should also be open and accepting to this.
- IDLA facilities contact -- they cover lights, leaks, etc.& -- what else?& check on this with CQ. Look at Ryan replacement's job description
- Big question needs to be answered -- What is the UX role in space?
6. Space Inventory -- think about how this could/should be used.
7. Learning Spaces group -- keep bugging SG about this
8. Library Marketing group
- QR codes -- used in IAP marketing - what is next?
- Libraries Marketing group - working on "betas" of "Library Myth" videos
- Figure out how to get Library maps online.
- Draft Space Inventory (things to count) (completed - waiting for PS UX discussion)
- bulletin board inventory to all-lib
- update posters in barker
- DIRC sign holders often empty - as are Stata Kiosk holders (Ask Us! & Tell Us! would be good here)
9. FAT for staff swing spaces
- barker spaces are now "online"
- working to finish Dewey and Cube space spaces
- beginning to work on Hum. space
- look for table options - send to group
Things not to forget:
- PFAD -- closing thoughts?
- Look at what UX has as its role in public computing - check in with Pam -- should I be involved in discussions?
- Teambuilding stuff for UX -- future meeting/luncheon -- check in with Darcyreview survey data to identify common themes regarding space needs
Other things I'm working on - not particularly UX in nature - but where some of my time is going.
- Academic Advising
- Ask-Central
- "Tell Us!" - as I am the current support model is - me!
- Barker On call reference - doesn't take much time currently
Groups/committees I am on:
- SOT (Service Operation Team)
- UX Strategy Group
- Public Spaces UX Group
- Marketing Team
- Ask Central
- Exhibit Committee