3) In the "user's profile" page, we should change the link with the name "My World". Even though all the users figured it out, it took them a while. Since we are aiming for simplicity, this should be improved and
be more intuitive.
Before this set of rounds we changed the "My World" label to "My Map."
User 4:
1) Log in and registration was very straight forward. This user suggest that for a new website, it would be a good idea to include an "about" link, so that new user's could read more about what the west is about. (From Task 1)
2) She said that since "My Trips" are probably the most frequently explored, it might be a good idea to make it the home view, as well as move that link to the left of the menu bar, after the account settings button.
3) Finding trips was the most unclear activity. It was not clear whether the search was a button that would take you to a new page or not. Once the person was in the "My Map" view, with the display of the map, the user didn't know how to look for a city that was not already highlighted, so she suggested we add a search box.
User 5:
1) Suggested that we remove the friends panel from the "User's Profile Page". Currently it is located below the top 5 places and the user got the impression that it's not only hard to find, but it takes up space unnecessarily. (From Task 3)
2) This user also did not like the idea of the Top 5 Places on the User's Profile page. He got confused as to where those top 5 places where coming from, when we intended them to be editable by the own user.
User 6:
1) This user commented that he would prefer for the whole page to have a more consistent look and feel. Some things look like panels that could be moved or closed, e.g. the Friends panel, but then it doesn't make sense to not be able to move them around. From this we just gathered it makes sense to separate each functionality into it's own window.
2) In the Add New Trip, this user suggested also that we make more clear what is meant by "Top things to do", as well as make it clear how to input the information.
3) The user found it annoying that he could only input one picture at a time.
Prototype iteration
The overall feedback we got from the users was very positive. They had a good idea of what was happening right after the briefing and they were achieving the tasks easily. Most of the observations were improvements suggested from the users (but they could still perform their given tasks successfully).