- User 1
- user sees profile information in the top right, tries to click their username instead of the arrow.
- tries arrow next, and sees the drop down menu.
- no problems updating fields in Profile
- when looking through upcoming games on Profile page, was wondering why the game information displayed was different from those listed in the static right pane.
- tries to put Cambridge for game location when creating a game instead of gym name
- User 2
- likes the "newsfeed"-like design on the right showing upcoming games
- easily reaches profile page
- after reading the description for rank, thinks it's weird that it's called "rank" because the user saw it more as a grading/rating system
- asks to clarify whether the stars on the create profile page mean the fields are required fields
- tries to edit buddies on profile page
- thinks the save button is too far from the editing of profile
- wishes there was a location lookup when creating games
- User 3
- puts Z-Center " when updating location field of profile
- wonders what syntax to use for location field of profile
- took a while looking for how to save profile
- wonders what syntax to use for location when creating game
- wasn't sure if roster closes if "mouse" stops hovering over the arrow
- wants to use a drop-down menu for location when filtering