Scenario Tasks
After significant observing several user testingtest cases, our group recorded several observations from user testing and took into account suggestions from several test users to create an additional iteration of our design. In most cases, the user interface was simple , and easy to pick up on a first test run. Nonetheless, we recorded certain observations of user behavior and pointed out errors that may need to be addressed for future iterations.
Iteration 1:
User1: The user found it easy to search for playlists and upload music but did not understand how the playlists were being created because we did not provide a mechanism for it yet.
User2: The user wanted an interface where he could search for parties after making the initial search, but didn't see the search bar that he expected.
Iteration 2:
User 1: User 1 had an initial lack of intuition behind the timeframe in which to utilize the interface. User 1 was confused as to whether he was accessing the interface during the party, or just viewing music prior to it. He expressed later on that he would have preferred to provide feedback during the party instead of before.