Prototype photos
Iteration #1
Iteration #2
PickFind is a web application that facilitates the process of finding enjoyable pickup basketball games to participate in. Currently, the process of finding pickup games is variable and uncertain. A player is typically uncertain of whether or not there will be a game to participate in when he or she shows up at the court. This can lead to discomfort and even discourage players from heading to the court at all. Players have trouble finding sufficient others to play with and they tend to prefer to play with people at their skill level and people whom they know.
- User 1
- User sees profile information in the top right, and finds the drop-down arrow easily.
- No problems updating their profile information
- User 2
- likes the "newsfeed"-like design on the right showing upcoming games
- after reading the description for rank, thinks it's weird that it's called "rank" because the user saw it more as a grading/rating system
- asks to clarify whether the stars on the create profile page mean the fields are required fields
- thinks the save button is too far from the editing of profile
- wishes there's a drop-down menu for location when creating game
- User 3
- took a while looking for how to save profile
- wasn't sure if roster closes if "mouse" stops hovering over the arrow
- wanted to use a drop-down menu for location when filtering