We had a textbox which caused confusion about the proper format to enter times (e.g. am/pm or military time, colon or no colon etc). We should replace this with the time widget from calendaring applications.
Design 3
Observations on the above design:
The fact that the title & comment section of the reviews is optional needs to be indicated clearly.
The click2text boxes in the photographer's profile should have either individual or cluster save/cancel buttons. The click-outside-and-save-automatically method doesn't give enough reassurance that the changes were saved.
During reviews, if the wrong photographer was selected, we should be able to go back to the previous page. "go back" next to the photographer name.
For writing a review, it is implicit that the user finds the photographer first, so they can use the find-a-photographer functionality. We don't need a separate search for review writing.
This is what we told the users: