One user was annoyed that she could not type on the sticky notes, only in the "all notes" section at the bottom. This makes the interface less learnable for her, as her initial thought was to type on the note (even though it wasn't a typing curser). In addition, if the user is looking at the bulletin board, it is much easier and more efficient to begin typing on the note, instead of navigating to the bottom to add the note. To fix this, we will allow for users to type on the stickies or in the "all notes" section (this was introduced in the second iteration), but we do have to be careful about visibility of 'typing' mode versus 'viewing' or 'moving' mode of the stickies.
Redundancy of Bulletin Board and "All Notes"
Issue: Efficiency, Learnability, Visibility
Many users commented that the bulletin board and the list of all notes was more on the redundant side. The Main goal of the of the bulletin board feature was to allow users to filter out which notes were most important to them allowing quicker access and better visibility to those notes. We are currently working on a way to make that a lot more clearer to the users.redundant, as the same information was displayed on the screen, at the same time, in two different places. This also wastes screen space, because the bulletin board must be smaller to fit the "all notes" section at the bottom. In the first study, two users really liked the bulletin board. One said it was an interesting and new idea, and the other liked
Issue: Errors
Complexity: 2
Although this was not related to our given tasks, one user commented that there was no "settings" page in our design. This means that if a user wants to change information given during sign-up, there is no way to correct it. In addition, there is no way to set specific settings to customize an account (although, at this point, we do not have this option anyways). In the second iteration, a settings page was added.
Issue: Visibility, Errors
One user commented that it would be nice to have some personalization, such as a profile picture for each user. This can also reduce errors and add to the visibility of the system, as when adding collaborators it is easier to see which user is being added. This was added for our second iteration.
Posting Stickies
Issue: Efficiency
Complexity: 4