Second Test Round/Prototype
Task 1
Start Screen:
- User was not sure which button to hit to enter the receipt details
- Icons are unclear
- Footer is not consistent with the remainder
Capture Receipt:
- Not sure how she should know to user has to itemize/split
- User can save receipt for later without attaching, but is unsure how to access that receipt image later on.
Split Receipt:
- In to the depth of this screen users become confused and often lose track of their task.
- One user was confused by lack of a confirmation dialog when attaching the receipt.
Task 2
Start Screen
- Saved reports button is not immediately visible
Show Saved Reports
- User suggested showing the amounts in the saved report view
Send Report
- Users would like to be able to access saved receipts
- User would like to be able to get more information about the report easily
Task 3
Look at Old Receipts
- Unclear which button opens the receipt for editing
- The interface should display the amount actually recorded on system for the receipt.
Edit Receipt
- Users would like to see the receipt as they edit the amounts. They don't have the physical receipts available to them easily anymore.
Task 4
Show Statistics
- User unsure why calculate sum button exists, thinks this should just be calculated automatically
Generate Report
- Generate Report should give the option to display on mobile or send to email.
- User suggested wording on buttons in modal dialog could be clearer