Dough is a web application that helps you manage your food and your food budget. You an track foods you've purchased, see when your foods are about to expire, look at how much you've spend on food, and find recipes tailored to your food supply. It is built to help you get the most out of your food purchases.
User 1:
- Used splash page for navigation at first but then switched to tabs at the top of the page
- Carefully scanned pages before acting (studied the pages for quite a long time - other users might not be so deliberate)
- Did not notice that milk was expiring soon (should emphasize this more somehow)
- Found it difficult to calculate the amount of food left to spend this month (This was just shown as a progress bar and "you've spend $41.27/$300 monthly budget". Having to calculate $300-$41.27 puts too much of a cognitive load on the user.)
- Understood very quickly how to enter new foods. It seems like this is intuitive.
- Seemed happy that fields were filled in automatically with autocomplete even when a few errors were made.
- Changed autocomplete errors quickly
- Seemed happy about feedback of food showing up on the food page after entering purchases
User 2:
User 3:
Prototype iteration.